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143,000,000 $. This is how much Huffington Post - the world's most profitable news blog - earned in 2020. This number may seem cosmic. However, it perfectly shows how powerful an internet blog is to generate profits.
More and more companies operating so far stationery are becoming more active online. Are you looking for profit on the web too? A blog is one of the best-proven ways to earn money effectively online. Do you think running a blog is very expensive, and only large companies can afford it? Quite the opposite. Modern technology allows you to start a blog in record time. What's more, small and medium-sized companies and freelancers gain the most from running a blog. Running a corporate blog can bring tons of benefits. Below we present the most important of them.
The biggest benefits of running a corporate blog
Increase in search engine traffic
How can new users find your website on the Internet? There are several possibilities:
- Direct search - The user enters your company’s name and goes directly to your website. This is a precious move. It shows how many people - instead of looking for opportunities online - are heading straight to you. However, remember that only those who already know your company does this. And you care about new people that you can gain as new clients.
- Paid promotion - you can download traffic to your website through paid advertising campaigns, e.g., Google Ads. Of course, their effectiveness will depend on your campaign optimization skills (you can learn it) and your budget. It cannot be too small because the campaign will also reach a few recipients. Moreover, the campaign will stop working if it reaches the budget.
Get Free Search Traffic - Sounds Beautiful, But Am I Achieving It? Via the company blog! Each time you publish another entry on your blog, the number of indexed (i.e., registered and positioned) subpages of your website in the search engine will increase.
Think about the great advantage of a website with a subpage Blog in addition to the subpages mentioned above and its 20 high-quality items!
By publishing two articles a week, you will achieve this result after 2.5 months.
Building trust, authenticity and, the image of an expert
Another perk of running a corporate blog is that you will automatically be put in an expert’s role. Your recipients will perceive you as authentic (which is very important nowadays) and, you will gain their trust. How exactly does it work? Take a look:
- Authenticity - You are authentic not only by showing that you have nothing to hide from your readers. You share exciting knowledge free of charge, describe your views and experiences, willingly discuss with your readers, and encourage their involvement. You build a positive relationship. You create a community (see the previous paragraph). It is easier and better to sell in such a society.
- Build and Inspire Trust - Want to Make Money Online? You cannot achieve this without trust. To become your customers, visitors to your website need to be sure that you are a reliable company (or freelancer). Otherwise, they will never buy from you. The better they know you and your activities (and they can learn about them, for example, through a company blog), the more they trust you. They will be more likely to buy the services or products you suggest.Of course, relationships with customers - just like relationships with every human being - need to be cared for. Trust takes a long time, but remember that you can lose it quickly.
- Image of an expert - By applying yourself to running a blog, you automatically become an expert in the described field. Of course, when you are just starting out, you will be continually learning new things in your area. However, when you start a blog, you send a clear signal to your recipients - I know what I am writing about, and I am not afraid of my views. To reinforce this message, make sure your content is substantive and of high quality. Your audience will perceive you as an expert on the subject. Success is in your pocket when your content addresses specific audience concerns.
Monetizing Your Blog
The more audiences you have, the more valuable your blog becomes for other companies to promote their products or services.
The more audience you have, the more you can earn from your blog. The main ways to earn money are mainly:
Sponsored articles
Such cooperation is based on publishing expert articles on your blog following the guidelines agreed in negotiations with the company. You can propose your blog to a company yourself, but in this case, companies come to bloggers more often. They can also come to you.
Banner advertising
When your blog reaches a certain level of popularity, you will be able to register with several programs that provide banner ads (e.g., Google AdSense, Salesmedia, Ceneo). Then place banners on your blog advertising products related to your blog theme.
Affiliate programs and affiliation
Affiliation is based on placing links to specific services or products in the published texts. If a visitor to your website clicks on a given link and buys a given product/service, you will receive a commission. Since the visitor has purchased a blog ad, some profits will go to you. This is another reason why it is worth building an engaged community around your blog - among such people, the probability of purchasing the product/service you recommend increases.
Cooperation with brands or agencies.
Brands frequently conduct promotional campaigns. They know that if they want to convince consumers of their products, they should first convince online creators that these consumers read and trust.
When your blog has an extensive reach, you will establish direct cooperation with a brand. In this case, there is great freedom in the type of collaboration - it depends only on the contract between a given brand and the creator (blog owner).
Easier sales of your products
You can read about this method in the next paragraph :)
Easier sales

By running a corporate blog, you can easily convert visitors to your website into new customers. The blog is the perfect space to dispel any buyer's doubts. Offer and sell your product on your website. For example, you can describe its features and specifications in detail, compare it with competitors' products, and tell about everything that may be of interest to your potential customer before buying.
An efficient blog is also a more generous guarantee of profits from the products or services you have just released. Regular readers of your blog will be keenly interested in the news that you release on the market. They are more willing to spend money to test them - and then share their comments, e.g., in comments or by writing e-mails to you.
Do you run a blog yourself or commission it?
It depends on your resources and the goal you set for the blog.
If you simply don't have time and want new texts to appear on your website regularly, outsource your blog to a reliable company.
If the blog is to be a tool for your company to improve positioning and do not know SEO - outsource the blog to a reliable company.
If you care about a personal, close relationship with your recipients and building a community - it is worth considering setting up a blog yourself.
Regardless of your situation, it is worth considering starting a blog on the BOWWE platform. It is a universal solution - BOWWE allows you to set up and run a blog yourself without any knowledge of programming, positioning, page building, etc.
If you do not have time to run it, you can leave it to us, and we will create a blog perfectly suited to your industry, your company’s goals, and your audience.
Are blogs the most valuable, especially for small and medium-sized businesses?
Many small and medium-sized entrepreneurs do not consider blog as a tool to earn more money. They often equate it only with the informational and image function. As you already know, that's not true.
Therefore, there is very little competition in small and medium-sized enterprises regarding corporate blogs. Very few small companies decide to take this step - which is paradoxical because a blog is a tool that requires much less expensive than, for example, a Google Ads campaign.
And its positive effects are visible for a much longer time.
For these reasons - if you run a small or medium-sized business - you should think very hard about starting a corporate blog.
Running a corporate blog is a great way to grow your online business and increase your profits. Creating unique and meaningful content for your blog can be a challenge first, but the benefits are well worth the time!
If you don't have time to start and run a blog, please contact us. We will help you set up a professional blog that will guarantee a constant traffic flow on your website!