BOWWE | Terms of Service

Terms of Service

I. General Provisions

a. The internet service at is run by Wojciech Andruszków, who is doing business under the name ULAN SYSTEMS Wojciech Andruszków, based in Wrocław at ul. Dąbrowskiego 42; 50-457 Wrocław, NIP: 8971647346, REGON: 021199525, e-mail:, phone number: +48 5 3007 3007.

b. The website operating at is intended to enable the use of a web page creator allowing the use of web design applications for the needs of yourself or others and the presentation of created websites on the Internet.

c. The website operates on the terms set out in these Regulations.

d. As part of the Website, a Website Creator service is provided, consisting of using an application for creating websites and presenting a created website on the Internet.

e. The website creator service is available for free or paid. However, as part of the paid version of the Website Creator, the service is implemented as part of the selected Package.

f. Users may use the services of the Website only on the terms set out in the Regulations after its prior approval.


Within the meaning of these Regulations, the following terms mean:

a. Website - the entire environment and content of the website operating at, along with updates and additions;

b. Regulations - means the Regulations of the internet service operating at and the documents to which this Regulations refers;

c. User - a natural person with full legal capacity who has an Administrator account on the Website;

d. Third party - a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, not being a User;

e. Website - Website created using the Website;

f. Administrator - User having access to the Administrator Panel. The administrator can edit selected Websites using the Website Creator Panel. The User may have only one Administrator account;

g. Subscription Period - means the duration of the contract between the User and the Website Owner, in which the Website Creator service is provided;

h. Paid version of the WWW page creator - version of the website creator chosen by the User, for which a fee is charged according to the Price List;

i. The free version of the WWW website creator - the version of the Website Creator chosen by the User, for which no fee is charged;

j. Additional Options - widgets selected additionally by the User to the selected Package;

k. Package - a variant of the paid version of the website creator chosen by the User;

l. The date of payment for the service - it is the date of booking the payment on the bank account of the Website Owner;

m. The owner of the Website - Wojciech Andruszków running a business under the name ULAN SYSTEMS Wojciech Andruszków, based in Wrocław at ul. Dąbrowskiego 42; 50-457 Wrocław, NIP: 8971647346, REGON: 021199525, e-mail:, phone number: +48 5 3007 3007.


By accepting the Regulations, the User:

- declares that he is an adult and has full legal capacity, or that he has the consent of his parents or other legal guardians to use the Website and knows the rights and obligations resulting from this fact;

- in the case of creating an account for another entity, than for himself, he declares that he has the consent of this entity to set up an account for him as well as his statement on compliance by the entity with the provisions of the Regulations. By creating an account for another entity, the User simultaneously declares that he has such consents and is able to present them at the request of the Service Owner.

- agrees to receive information electronically related to the User's account and activity on the Website, as well as the newsletter;

- declares that it provides true personal data;


Furthermore, it is prohibited to:

using the Website through an interface different from that provided by the Website Owner,

proliferation of malicious software,

making attempts to unlawfully obtain data of other Users (including using special software),

collecting data of other Users,

taking actions that may violate the rights or personal rights of other Users, the Website, third parties,

posting illegal content or propagating it,

testing the operation of the Website, in particular in the area of security, authorization of access to data contained in the Website,

making attempts to learn the source code owned by the Website Owner, including decompilation, reverse programming

copying Website elements, including graphic elements, scripts, etc.

attempting to disrupt the operation of the Website, including by introducing software,

creating more than one Administrator account for the person on the Website,


The user undertakes to comply with these prohibitions.


1) By completing an electronic order for a service located on the Website, the User orders the Website Creator and the presentation of created websites on the Internet.

2) Placing an order for a paid version of the Website Creator service is identical to concluding an agreement between the User and the Website Owner for the provision of a Website Creator on the terms specified in the Regulations for the duration of the subscription.

3) By concluding a contract on the basis of the Regulations (ie depending on the circumstances: when ordering a service or by using a service paid through a third party for a paid website Creator or starting using the Website as part of a free version of the website Creator), the User declares that read and accept the Regulations in its entirety.

4) If the User selects a paid version of the website creator, the Website Owner undertakes to activate the Website Creator service in accordance with the conditions indicated in the order after the payment has been made by the User and after the funds have been posted to the Website Owner's account.

5) In order to use the Website Creator, the User must always log in to the Website.


1) Administrators are authorized to create and administer Websites.

2) Website creation takes place only using technological means available to the Administrator on the Website.

3) The administrator has the right to create, in the free version of the Website Creator, only one web page and its publication.

4) If you choose the version of a paid Website Creator, the number of pages that can be created by the web page creator depends on the selected Package.

5) The availability of disk space created using the web page creator depends on the Package selected by the User and amounts to 500 MB / 1 GB / 3 GB, respectively.

6) In the case of the free version of the website creator, the disk space available for the created free website is 300 MB.

7) If the User chooses a paid version of the website, it is necessary to make a payment to run it.

8) The administrator has the ability to modify the appearance (form), content and settings of the created website, and then republish it. However, it should be noted that after re-publishing it will not be possible to return to the previous look of the website.

9) The Administrator's modification of the website is possible only through the use of a web page creator and to the extent that it allows it. The Administrator modifies the websites in a different way at his own risk and responsibility.

10) The administrator is not authorized to copy the website created using the Website Creator and put it on the Internet using another service.


1) The user can choose between a free or paid version of the Website Creator.

2) As part of a paid version of the website creator, the User can choose between the prepared Packages and select Additional Options for the selected Package.

3) The amount of fees for the paid version of the Website Creator is calculated according to the Packet chosen by the User, and the Additional Options selected by the User are added to it.

4) The characteristics of Packages and Additional Options can be found in the Price list.

5) If the User selects a paid version of the Website Creator, it is necessary to make payments at the beginning of each subsequent billing period ("in advance"). In the absence of payment within this period, the Website Creator service will be blocked and the website will not be presented on the Internet.

6) The owner of the Website reserves the right to change the prices of services, however, such a change does not include the prices of services previously ordered and paid, unless the price modification is related to inflation.

7) Payments should be made only in accordance with the instructions contained on the Website.

8) Payments are handled by the entity indicated in the Price list.

9) The invoice for the service is issued to the User's data provided when placing the Order. The invoice is issued within 14 days from the date of payment on the Website Owner's account.

10) The invoice will be delivered to the user in an electronic version, unless he wishes to receive it in a paper version.

11) The date of payment for the service is the date of booking the payment on the bank account of the Website Owner.


1) During the subscription period, the Administrator may, for an additional fee, change the existing Package for a different package with a higher price (if it exists) or select Additional Options (if any).

2) Changing the Package to another with a higher price or choosing Additional Options is possible after submitting the notification of the will to change to the email address:

3) The change of the Package will be active after payment for the service as part of a package with a higher price.

4) Changing the package to another one with a lower price is possible after the end of the ongoing subscription period. If this Package is selected, all functions not included in it will be blocked.


1) In the interest of care for the high quality of services provided, the Website Owner reserves the right to update the software on the servers with which the service is provided.

2) In addition, the Website Owner reserves the right to take technical breaks in the operation of the service related to the operation and maintenance of the system. The intervals will be as short as possible and during the least load of the Website and the User will be informed about them.


1) The Website Owner reserves the right to broadcast advertising content on websites created using the free version of the Website Creator.

2) The owner of the Website reserves the right to place so-called hyperlinks to other websites that do not belong to the Website Owner or are not subject to its control.

3) The customer agrees to put on the website created with the use of the web page Website Creator the designation "Copyright ©" or other indication indicating the service, offer or service with the use of which the user created the website.

4) Removal of indications, mentioned in the previous point, is possible only at the customer's special request and only upon payment of a fee of 100 USD (one hundred US dollars) to the bank account of the Website Owner.

5) The User agrees to use the recorded image, image and content of a part or the whole of the website created by the User using the Website, free of charge for advertising and promotional purposes related to the Website, including, inter alia, by publishing on the Internet on the Website or social networks.

6) cases of User's actions that are inconsistent with applicable law or violation of the User's Regulations or actions that may disturb the proper functioning of the Website, the Website Owner has the right to:

- blocking the Website and User's account to clarify the matter;

- deleting the User's account ignoring the request to remove or cease the infringement.


1. The User's complaint, in connection with non-performance or improper performance of services, should be sent to the Service Owner to the email address: and indicate:

a. User data that will enable the user to be contacted;

b. the service the complaint relates to;

c. a detailed description of the allegations for the indicated service (in particular the type and date of occurrence of the irregularity) and the circumstances justifying them;

Providing as much information as possible will facilitate and accelerate the recognition of complaints.

2. T he Website Owner or a person authorized by him to do so will immediately address the complaint, but no later than within 14 days from the date of its receipt. The response to the complaint is sent to the e-mail address provided by the User.


Consumer who concludes a contract for the provision of Website Creator services in connection with the wording of the provision of art. 38 point 1 of the Act of May 30, 2014. on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of June 24, 2014) (hereinafter referred to as Consumer Law) is not eligible under Art. 27 of the Consumer Law, the right to withdraw from a distance contract or offsite business premises. ("Art. 38. The consumer shall not be entitled to withdraw from a contract concluded away from business premises or remotely in relation to contracts:

1) for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has fully performed the service with the express consent of the consumer who was informed before the service began that after the entrepreneur has fulfilled the benefit he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract; (...)").


1. The contract for the provision of the Website Creator service is concluded, in principle, for a fixed period equal to the period of the Subscription.

2. The contract for the creation of the Website Creator service is terminated as a result of not renewing the Subscription Period.

3. Before the expiration of the subscription period, the Website owner may send by email to the User information about the expiration of the subscription period and the possibility of its extension, as well as information on the amount of fees for extending the service provision period.

4. The User extends the duration of the Agreement by making a payment to the bank account of the Website Owner, for the provision of the service for the next subscription period.

5. After making the payment for the provision of the service for the next subscription period, the period of service will be extended by the next subscription period from the end of the previous Subscription Period.

6. Upon completion of the contract for the provision of the Website Creator service, access to the service will be blocked and the created website will not be published on the Internet. The customer consents to the storage of data collected as part of the service and additional services for the next 3 (three) years.

7. After making payment for the service, the service will be unlocked again for the next subscription period.

8. The Website owner will be entitled to terminate the contract for the provision of the Website Creator service if:

a. The administrator will significantly breach the contract,

b. the Administrator will use the service contrary to its intended purpose or the rules set out in the Regulations,

c. The Administrator will act to the detriment of the Website Owner, other Administrators and Service Users or other Users of the Internet.

9. The administrator will be entitled to terminate the contract for the provision of services if:

a. The Website owner substantially breaches the contract.

10. Termination of the contract requires written form under pain of nullity. The above shall not apply to Consumers.


1. The Website Owner declares that:

he is entitled to the full copyright of property rights to the graphic design used on the Website,

is entitled to grant a license to use the Website in accordance with the provisions and to the extent specified in the Regulations,

granting the aforementioned license does not violate any rights of third parties,

2. Upon the creation of an account on the Website, the Website Owner grants the User a temporary, non-exclusive license to use the graphic design used in the web designer.

3. The license granted authorizes the User to use the Website Creator in the manner described in the Regulations.

4. The license granted does not authorize the Customer in particular to:

offering a Website Creator for resale, as well as websites created with it,

copying and making modifications in the IT system, which is made available as part of the Website Creator service,

copying a graphic design made available in the Website Creator service for its further resale,

transfer of rights resulting from the contract concluded to third parties without the consent of the Website Owner,

copying elements of the Website and using them in other Services, applications, studies, etc.

5. In the event of any false statement contained in paragraph 1 above, the Website Owner will refund the entire fee paid by the User for the Website Creator service. The refund does not exclude the User's right to claim other claims in accordance with applicable regulations.

6. In the case described in paragraph 5 of this regulation, the total responsibility of the Website Owner will not exceed the fee paid by the User to the Website Owner. This limitation does not apply to the User who is a consumer.


By accepting the Regulations, the User declares that he has read the entirety of all its provisions and does not raise any objections in relation to their content and form and agrees to abide by the entirety of the provisions of the Regulations.
Please be aware that the translated versions of our legal agreements and policies are provided for your convenience only. These translations do not serve as a substitute for the original English versions, which are the official documents. The English versions are the only legally binding agreements between you and us. In case of any discrepancy or conflict between the translated and the English versions, the English version shall prevail.




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