13 Steps For Taking Your LinkedIn Profile to a Whole New Level!

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to connect with professionals. It is one of the most popular social media sites and is used by professionals from a wide array of industries and backgrounds.
LinkedIn gives you increased opportunities to find and network with others in your field. However, this is only beneficial if you take the time to create a professional profile.
Your profile, like any other social media site, should be filled out with relevant information. It also needs to be complete.
Here are a few useful tips to help you create a LinkedIn profile that will generate interest
1. Provide as much information as possible
By filling out all of the sections on your profile with relevant information, you will not only demonstrate your ability to follow through and complete tasks but also earn the coveted LinkedIn All-Star status.
Filling out your profile can be a daunting task. However, it is important to make sure all of the information is complete.
Take the time to list all of your experience, skills, and education. These are the most important sections of your profile. They should always be complete.
You can also include a link to your website. This is beneficial to both you and your readers. It will help establish credibility, as well as provide readers with additional information.
2. Select an appropriate photo
This may sound like a no-brainer, but you'd be shocked at how many individuals post unsuitable photos of themselves on their LinkedIn profiles. You can shoot the photo yourself; all that's required is that it's a high-quality, professional headshot of you.
Keep your face in focus and smile for the camera. LinkedIn is a serious forum for professionals, but it's still beneficial for future employers to see that you're personable and approachable.
3. Dress appropriately for LinkedIn
Another thing to keep in mind when taking a photo for LinkedIn is your clothing. When browsing LinkedIn, do not post a photo of yourself wearing anything too casual. Wear polished business attire.
The clothing you wear to an interview is likely appropriate. However, if you're unsure, it's always best to dress conservatively.
4. Set a background banner image
The second thing that people will see when they visit your profile is the photo you set as your cover image.
Changing the banner picture in the backdrop is something not all users even think to do. Some people may stick with the generic blue gradient with dots and lines since they are either unaware that a new picture may be uploaded or cannot decide on a suitable alternative.
For example, you can use a picture that has some significance to your field or intended field, a simple picture with your name and job role, or a picture with your favorite quote.
5. Don't just use your job title as your headline
There is no hard and fast rule that states a job title is required as the primary description on your profile. You can elaborate on your function, motivations, and interests by using the headline space to describe these factors.
Take a peek at the headlines of the profile pages of social selling gurus if you need some ideas for your own. It’s almost certain they will include more information than just their job titles.
6. Personalize your URL
LinkedIn will add a unique string of digits to your URL when you initially join. This looks bad when people click on your profile link, but it's easy to fix.
- Access your account information by clicking "Profile."
- Choose the option to "Edit public profile & URL."
- Simply choose "Edit" next to "Edit URL" and make your changes.
- Enter the custom URL you want to use,
- Click "Save".
A little customization of your URL is as easy as that. As a result, your profile URL will be memorable to other experts who may be looking for you and simple to share.
7. Create a narrative out of your summary
Before anything else, it's important to stress the importance of having a LinkedIn summary. Incredible how many individuals still don't fill this up on their LinkedIn profiles.
Don't waste this opportunity to sell yourself by just listing your qualifications and past positions in the "Summary" section of your profile. Make an effort to illustrate the significance of these abilities and the impact they may have on your coworkers.
Don't be afraid to put in some effort, try out a few variations, and get feedback from people you know on your summary. This is the piece of content that should represent you at the most personal level, so make sure it's good.
8. Utilize keywords wherever you can
LinkedIn allows some leeway in how you describe yourself, but it's always a good idea to use keywords that are relevant to your field of work.
Include keywords in your headline, summary, and work experience sections. Remember, LinkedIn uses algorithms that are looking for keywords in the summary and work experience sections.
The more keywords you use in each section, the higher your profile will appear in search results.
9. Add your most relevant and valuable skills
Skimming the list of abilities and picking out the ones that apply to you is one of the easiest ways to get results on LinkedIn. By doing so, you'll be able to back up the claims you make in your headline and summary and gain support from your peers.
But it's important to keep in mind that remaining current is the key to success. Creating a lengthy list of abilities that aren't fundamental to your identity and work might be overwhelming.
Also, don't forget to perform periodic maintenance on your skill set in order to stay relevant.
10. Get endorsements and recommendations
Endorsements and recommendations are another easy way to add credibility to your profile. Your skills and credibility will be validated by the endorsements of your peers.
The question now is how to go about getting those coveted LinkedIn endorsements. It's a good idea to start by sifting through your contacts to find those who you believe merit a recommendation from you since this is frequently what prompts others to return the favor.
In addition, you shouldn't be shy about reaching out and politely requesting endorsement for a select few abilities.
11. Evaluate your abilities with skill assessment tests
Another great way to add credibility to your profile is by evaluating your abilities with a skill assessment test.
LinkedIn has a wide collection of skill assessment tests, and these will help you gain insights into your abilities.
These tests can help you identify your weaknesses and strengths, and, in turn, help you identify areas for development and improvement.
12. Find your way to the 500+ contacts
Anyone who doesn't have 500+ is at an immediate disadvantage over everyone else. It may appear random, but if someone had to select between someone with 50 connections and someone with 500+, they will undoubtedly choose the latter.
Once you pass the threshold of 501, it is not immediately clear whether the individual in question has 501 or 5001.
However, make sure to keep your network organized and manage LinkedIn connections with care. There's no use in having 500+ contacts if you have no clue who they are and why you connected with them in the first place. Adding LinkedIn tags and notes can help you avoid this problem.
13. Create and post articles
Professionals may benefit greatly from using LinkedIn as a platform for voicing their own perspectives on the state of the market and the industry.
If you want to show potential employers that you are engaged in your field and can talk eloquently about issues that matter to you, writing an article every month is a perfect method to do it.
These articles may also be used as discussion starters with your followers, allowing you to start forming relationships on the network.
14. Join LinkedIn groups
LinkedIn groups serve two purposes. They provide you with the opportunity to network with other professionals, and they also give you the opportunity to present yourself as a leader in your field.
By joining a group, you can broaden your professional network, meet like-minded people, and expand your horizons in your chosen field. But be wary of joining too many groups. This only dilutes the impact of your presence.
15. Maintain an active presence on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a social media platform. While it may be different from other social media sites like Instagram and Facebook, LinkedIn is still a great way to network with individuals who share your interests and career goals.
Because of this, it's crucial to update your profile often and participate in debates and groups that pique your interest.
Potential employers may want to know more about you than simply your employment experience, and this will provide them with a window into your character and skills.
LinkedIn is a powerful professional networking tool that has numerous benefits for users who take the time to utilize its full potential. If you take the time to create a complete profile, you can establish a professional presence on LinkedIn.
About author

Ron Stefanski is a website entrepreneur and marketing professor who has a passion for helping people create and market their own online business. You can learn more from him by visiting OneHourProfessor.com