Guide To Building a Glamorous Beauty Salon Website

Guide To Building a Glamorous Beauty Salon Website

Karol Andruszków
Reading time: 15 minutes
Photo representing the subject of the blog

If you're part of the beauty industry, whether you're freelancing and showcasing your incredible make-up skills, or managing a bustling salon, you know just how vital an online presence is in our world today. It's not just about being seen; it's about creating a space that reflects the essence of your unique beauty brand.


In this guide, I'm going to walk you through every step of crafting an amazing website for beauty salon. Think of it as your go-to manual for everything from picking a domain name that captures your salon's spirit, to structuring your site so that it's as easy to navigate as it is on the eyes. We'll dive into how to showcase what you do best, whether it's highlighting your signature services, setting up an easy-peasy online booking system, or even starting an online shop to sell your favorite beauty products.


I'm here to share some industry-specific tips and tricks that will make your website not just a digital brochure, but a magnet for your ideal clients. Let’s start!

Is a website for beauty salons something that you really need? 

laptop with dark website template for hair salons on screen

A website for your beauty salon isn't just a nice-to-have; it's an essential tool for your business's growth and sustainability, especially considering that approximately 73% of small businesses now have a website. Think of it as your digital business card, a window display, and a 24/7 receptionist all rolled into one.


Having a website means you're open for business around the clock. It allows potential clients to discover you, learn about your services, and even book appointments at their convenience. Plus, it gives you a platform to showcase your work, share client testimonials, and build a brand that resonates with your target audience.


Moreover, a website is your gateway to reaching a broader audience. With the right SEO strategies, you're not just visible to those who walk by your salon; you're discoverable by anyone searching for beauty services in your area online. It's an incredible way to expand your client base beyond the limits of traditional advertising.


So yes, a website is a necessary investment in your beauty salon's future, offering endless opportunities to attract new clients, engage with existing ones, and stand out in the competitive beauty industry. 

Step 1: Learn more about your audience

Let's chat about your audience - look at the example below 👇


Emily runs her own boutique salon and her clients are looking for a personal touch, something that says luxury, care, and top-notch service. They're the type who might spend a few extra minutes checking out the 'About Us' page or browsing through beautifully presented service options. For them, a well-designed website is like walking into a salon that feels just right – welcoming and professional.


For the freelancing beauty pros out there, like those offering independent makeup services, it's all about showcasing your unique style and skill. Your clients want to see your portfolio, read reviews, and get a feel for your personal brand. A website that highlights your work and makes booking a breeze can be your ticket to attracting more clients.


So, why is this all important? Because in the beauty industry, first impressions are everything. Your website is often the first point of contact with potential clients. It's where you get to say, "We understand you, we're here for you, and hey, we're really good at what we do." A well-designed beauty website doesn't just show off your services; it builds a connection, creates trust, and turns visitors into loyal clients. It’s like having the perfect front desk person, but online – welcoming, helpful, and making everyone feel right at home.

Step 2: Choose your beauty salon website goal 

When you’re setting up your website goals, it's not just about looking fab (though that’s a big part of it). It’s also about making sure your site works hard for your salon, bringing in the dough and drawing clients like a bestselling serum draws beauty enthusiasts. Here’s some common website goals that you can choose for your beauty salon website 👇


  • Generate leads: Use your site to gather contact details of potential clients. How about a pop-up inviting visitors to sign up for exclusive beauty tips or special offers? It’s like asking someone out for coffee – a way to start a beautiful relationship.


  • Drive revenue: Sure, you offer amazing in-salon services, but what about product sales? Feature your must-have products online. It’s like having a 24/7 salesperson.


  • Build loyalty: Use your website to keep clients coming back. Think loyalty programs, special discounts for repeat bookings, or showcasing client transformations – real people, real results, really impressive!


  • Streamline appointments: Make it super simple for clients to book services. The easier it is, the more bookings you’ll get. Think of it as turning those 'just-looking' visitors into 'shut-up-and-take-my-money' clients.


  • Generate traffic: A blog can be a game-changer. Share beauty tips, trends, or product reviews to drive more traffic to your site. It’s not just about being found; it’s about being remembered and revered.


Always remember: your website should work as hard as you do. It’s not just about attracting eyes; it’s about converting visitors into clients and clicks into cash. So, let’s set those goals with a clear eye on revenue and leads, and turn your beauty website into the hardest-working member of your team!

Step 3: Choose the perfect (and available!) domain name

Choosing a domain name it's like picking the perfect shade of lipstick for your website. It's the first thing people notice, and it better be memorable and on point. So, why is this crucial for your beauty salon website? 


Think of your domain name as your salon's brand ambassador in the online world. It's what clients will remember when they want to visit your website again. Whether it's the name of your salon or a clever play on beauty terms, it needs to stick like the perfect mascara. When choosing your beauty website domain name keep in mind a couple simple rules. 


  • Keep it easy to spell and remember
  • Make it reflects your brand
  • If possible avoid hyphens and numbers
  • Check domain registrars to see if your dream domain is up for grabs
  • If your ideal name is taken, think of variations
  • Once you find the perfect one don’t wait too long - register it!

Step 4: Plan your beauty salon website structure

A well-planned structure is crucial for your beauty salon's website, not just for its aesthetic appeal but also for ensuring your clients can navigate your site effortlessly – much like a pro stylist with their beauty tools. In fact, 38% of people will stop interacting with a poorly created website, underscoring the importance of a well-organized online presence.


Think of your website's structure as the layout of your salon. Just like how your salon needs a welcoming reception, comfortable seating, and clearly marked service areas, your website needs a similar level of thoughtful organization. 


A well-structured website isn’t just about making things look pretty – although that’s definitely a bonus. It’s about creating a seamless journey for your clients and archiving your business goals. 


When deciding on website structure make sure to include must-have features of beauty salon websites 💅

1. About Us/Me Page for greater personalization

laptop with section about team from website template for hair salons on screen


This is where you get to shine, tell your story, and make your brand feel as personal as a one-on-one makeup session. In a world where faceless brands are a dime a dozen, your 'About' page is your chance to stand out, connect, and show the human side of your beauty business.


  • Share your story: Did you start your salon with nothing but a dream and a pair of makeup brushes? Have you been in the beauty biz since you were old enough to hold a mascara wand? This is where you tell that story.
  • Introduce your team: If you have a team, introduce them. Share their expertise, their favorite beauty tips, or even their go-to coffee orders. It makes your salon feel more relatable and approachable.
  • Add a personal touch: Include photos or a welcome video. Let your clients see the face behind the brand. It’s like inviting them into your salon, but digitally. You can also add a quick tour around your beauty salon to give clients a small sneak peak of your workplace and team members. 

2. Service descriptions for detailed offer showcase 

laptop with section about services on website template for beauty salon


Your service descriptions are like the menu at a five-star restaurant – they need to be detailed, enticing, and clear. This is where you showcase what you offer and why it's unique. It's not just about listing services; it's about painting a picture of the experience.


  • Be clear and concise: Whether it’s a rejuvenating facial or a trendy makeup, your descriptions should be easy to understand yet detailed enough to give a clear idea of what to expect.
  • Highlight what makes you special: Do you use exclusive products or have a signature technique? Here’s where you brag about it.
  • Use appealing visuals: Include photos or videos of your services. Show your recent makeup works in high-quality photos or in short videos. If clients can see what you do, they’re more likely to book that appointment.

3. Portfolio display to impress 

laptop with section with portfolio showing makeups on website templete for makeup salon


Think about it as your virtual gallery, where you get to flaunt your skills and show off those stunning makeovers and all the beauty magic you create. It’s a lot better than your Instagram! It's where potential clients come to see just how amazing you are.


  • Show, don't tell: High-quality images are key. Whether it's before-and-after shots or just your best work, make sure they pop! It’s like having a window display that stops passersby in their tracks.
  • Organize by category: If you offer a range of services, categorize them. For example, makeup for weddings, makeup for everyday or skin care service for acne, skin care service for hydration… 
  • Update regularly: Keep adding new photos to keep your portfolio fresh and exciting. It’s like updating your salon’s lookbook with the latest beauty trends.
⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

BOWWE offers a special Portfolio application tailored for businesses eager to impress. Imagine a vibrant, online gallery displaying your services and stunning work results, captivating potential clients at first glance. BOWWE’s Portfolio feature is your tool to create an impactful, visual narrative of your salon's expertise and style, drawing clients into your world of beauty with just a click.

4. Online booking to simplify appointments

laptop with section with contact form on website template for beauty salon


Imagine reducing those endless phone calls and back-and-forth messages. With a streamlined online booking system, you’re giving your clients the power to book their next appointment at their convenience – and you get more time to focus on making your clients look fabulous.


  • Make it user-friendly: Make it as simple as possible. A few clicks and voilà, the appointment is booked! It's like having a personal assistant, but digital.
  • Integrate with your calendar: Sync your online bookings with your calendar. This way, you avoid overbookings and keep your schedule organized.
  • Automate confirmations and reminders: Set up automatic appointment confirmations and reminders. It reduces no-shows and keeps your clients in the loop. It's like a gentle nudge, but it makes a world of difference.

 5. Reviews for social proof 

laptop with section with review on website template for beauty salon


In the beauty business, trust is everything. That's where reviews come into play. They're like your digital cheerleaders, singing praises about your services and building trust with potential clients.

  • Showcase real reviews: Got glowing reviews from happy clients? Flaunt them! Whether it's about your amazing customer service or that life-changing makeover, let the world know. In the beauty industry reviews can be even more engaging because customers can share their own photo of the effect of the treatment made by you. 
  • Before-and-after photos: You can ask your clients for agreement to take a photo of them before performing your service and after it. It’s like showing a mini-transformation story that clients can relate to. 
  • Encourage feedback: Make it easy for clients to leave reviews. You can offer a special discount for your next visit in exchange for a review. 
⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

Want to showcase client reviews on your website in a style that's both professional and eye-catching? BOWWE's got you covered with its dedicated Reviews application. It's super simple: just drop a ready-made section onto your site, and voilà!

6. Contact information for constant connection with customers

laptop with section with contact information on website template for beauty salon


It’s crucial for ensuring your clients can reach you without playing detective. After all, what’s the use of a fabulous website if your clients can’t find you for their next beauty appointment?


  • Make contact details easy-to-find: Your phone number, email, and salon address should be a breeze to find. Think of it like the front desk of your salon – accessible and welcoming. Include contact info in the menu and also in the footer to ensure a quick search. 
  • Map integration: Add a map to your site. Don't let your customers feel like they're in a maze trying to find your beauty salon.
  • Contact form: Include a contact form for queries or appointment requests. It will make you feel like having a receptionist available 24/7, ready to take messages.

7. Blog to share your expertise

laptop with section with blog on website template for beauty salon


Adding a blog to your beauty salon website it's like setting up a stage to showcase your expertise, share the latest beauty trends, and dish out those invaluable beauty tips. Think of it as your salon’s magazine, where you get to be the editor-in-chief.


Plus, did you know? Businesses that blog receive 67% more leads per month, making it a powerful tool to boost your salon’s online presence and client engagement.

  • Showcase your expertise: Write about what you know best. Whether it’s the secret to perfect balayage or the latest in skincare routines, your blog is where your knowledge shines.
  • Drive traffic to your site: Each blog post is an opportunity to attract new visitors. Use keywords related to your brand, services, and the beauty industry to boost your SEO.
  • Build a community: Your blog can become a go-to resource for beauty enthusiasts. Encourage comments, share posts on social media, and create a space where beauty conversations flourish.
⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

Adding a blog to your website is a fantastic move for drawing in more visitors and establishing yourself as a beauty expert. With BOWWE, it’s a breeze – just a click away. Plus, you can charm a wider audience by creating posts in multiple languages, making your expertise accessible to beauty enthusiasts everywhere.

8. FAQ to answer all client questions 

laptop with section with faq  on website template for beauty salon


An FAQ section is like having a helpful salon assistant who’s always ready with answers. It’s the perfect place to address common queries, clarify your services, and provide useful information that enhances the client experience.


  • Answer common questions: Think about the questions you hear most often in your salon. Whether it’s about your services, appointment policies, or product lines, answer them in your FAQ. It should reduce the amount of questions you are getting through calls, emails or under your social media posts. 
  • Save time for you and your clients: With an FAQ, clients can find answers quickly without having to call or email. It’s a time-saver for both you and them.
  • Build trust and transparency: Providing clear, helpful information upfront builds trust. It shows potential clients that you’re open, honest, and eager to assist.

9. Vouchers to offer exclusive deals

laptop with section with vouchers on website template for beauty salon


Vouchers are an incredible way to offer exclusive deals, attract new customers, and keep your regulars coming back for more. It’s like the cherry on top of the fabulous service you already offer.


  • Offer special deals for new clients: Entice newcomers with a first-time visit deal. It's like extending a warm, welcoming hand to those just stepping into your beauty world.
  • Make loyalty rewards: Show appreciation for your regulars with exclusive vouchers. It’s like saying, “Hey, thanks for sticking with us. Here’s a little something to make your next visit even sweeter.”
  • Take advantage of seasonal promotions: Got a holiday coming up? Maybe it’s wedding season? Tailor your vouchers to fit the occasion to increase customer interest. 
⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

Got a special event or looking to boost your salon's clientele? Vouchers are a fabulous idea! With BOWWE, it's super easy to add them to your site. Just pick a ready-made section, pop it onto your website, and tailor it with your own exciting promotion. Quick, simple, and sure to catch your clients' attention!

10. E-commerce integration to kick out products sale

laptop with section with beauty products on website template for beauty salon


E-commerce integration is like opening up a whole new world in your salon – one where your clients can shop their favorite products right from their comfy couch. It's not just about offering services; it's about expanding your business into a bustling online beauty store.


  • Highlight your products: Showcase your best beauty products. Whether it's the hair care range you swear by or the skincare products that are a hit, make them shine on your site.
  • Make an easy shopping experience: The key is to make the shopping process as smooth as a fresh facial. Easy navigation, clear categories, and a simple checkout process are a must.
  • Promote online exclusives: Why not offer special products or bundles exclusively on your website? It’s like having an online-only sale – irresistible and exciting.
  • Add various payment types: People prefer to have a lot of choice when choosing a payment method. So make sure to include at least the most popular options to minimize the customer's loss in the final point.

11. Social media links for networking

laptop with section with social media on website template for beauty salon


By adding social media links to your website, you’re not just boosting your online presence; you’re creating a network of platforms where clients can connect with you, be wowed by your work, and stay updated with all your salon’s happenings.

  • Direct links to your profiles: Make it easy for visitors to hop from your website to your social media pages. Whether it’s your Instagram filled with stunning hair transformations or your Facebook page with client testimonials, make those links visible.
  • Showcase your best work: Use your social media to highlight what you do best. It’s like having a digital portfolio that’s constantly updated with your latest and greatest hits.
  • Engage with your audience: Encourage visitors to follow you on social media for beauty tips, special offers, or just a daily dose of beauty inspiration.
⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

Remember that any redirection of people from your website to social media involves the risk of losing contact and redirecting their attention to other topics. Social media is a great way to generate traffic to your website, but once your audience is there, they shouldn't be encouraged to leave. This is where you have their full attention and tools under your full control that encourage them to stay with you for longer.

Step 5: Choose the right template and builder

1. Best website builder for beauty salons

It’s time to talk about choosing the right website builder for your beauty salon. This is like picking the perfect set of tools for your salon – you need something that’s not just effective but also makes your job a breeze.

1.1. Why opt for a website builder?

Think of website builders as your DIY kit for creating a stunning online presence. They’re user-friendly, require no coding skills, and come with a variety of templates that you can tailor to your salon's unique style. It's like having a digital stylist at your fingertips.

1.2. Criteria for choosing the best builder for beauty salons

  • Ease of use: You want a builder that’s as easy to navigate as flipping through a beauty magazine. No code required, no highest learning curve. 
  • Design flexibility: Look for a builder that offers customizable templates to match your salon’s vibe – whether it’s chic and modern or cozy and traditional.
  • Beauty-specific features: Can it handle appointment bookings? Does it fully showcase your best works? These features are as essential as having the right shade of foundation.
  • Reliable support: Good customer support is like having a trusty assistant; you want someone who’s there when you need them.
  • Responsiveness: Your website needs to look and work flawlessly across all devices – smartphones, tablets, and desktops. A builder that ensures responsive design is like choosing a hairstyle that looks fabulous no matter the angle or the light.
  • Collection of templates: Variety is the spice of life, and this holds true for website templates as well. A good range of templates not only gives you more creative freedom but also ensures you find something that resonates with your brand’s aesthetic.

1.3. Why BOWWE builder is ideal for beauty salons? 

Editing of beauty salon website inside BOWWE website builder

When it comes to crafting your beauty salon’s online presence, BOWWE stands out as a builder that truly gets the beauty industry. It’s not just a tool; it’s your digital partner, fluent in the language of beauty and style. Here’s why BOWWE is a cut above the rest for your salon’s website needs:

💄Industry-specific features

BOWWE comes packed with must-have features for beauty salons. From vouchers that entice clients with exclusive deals to contact forms for easy appointment booking, it’s all there. Imagine having a virtual receptionist who's always on duty – that's BOWWE for you.

💄Versatile building options

Whether you want to build from scratch, choose from a plethora of stunning website templates, or even throw in some of your own coding magic, BOWWE has got you covered! 

💄Multilingual capabilities

Planning to go global or are you running a business in a multicultural contry? BOWWE offers options for a multilingual website, making it easy to reach a diverse clientele. Converse with clients in their own language, making them feel right at home.

💄Stunning, editable templates

BOWWE’s selection of high-quality templates is specifically aimed at the beauty industry. These templates aren’t just visually striking; they’re designed to be easily edited and adapted to your salon's branding, ensuring your website not only looks gorgeous but feels uniquely ‘you’. And the best part? You can go from editing to publishing in just a few minutes! 

💄Mobile-responsive design

With more clients booking appointments on their phones, having a mobile-responsive site is non-negotiable. BOWWE ensures your website looks fabulous and functions flawlessly on any device – essential for the modern, on-the-go client.

Ready to create your dream Website?
Say goodbye to the hassles of coding and hello to a stunning, professional Website with top-notch SEO today!


Choosing BOWWE as your beauty salon website builder means choosing a balance of functionality, style, and ease of use. It’s about giving you the power to create a website that’s not just a digital brochure, but a dynamic platform that brings in business and resonates with your clients. With BOWWE, you’re not just building a website; you’re crafting an online experience that reflects the essence of your beauty salon! 

2. Best beauty salon website templates

2.1. Why opt for website templates?

Choosing the right template for your beauty salon website is like selecting the perfect decor for your salon space – it sets the mood, showcases your style, and invites clients in. Let's explore why using templates is a game-changer and how BOWWE templates, in particular, can elevate your salon's online presence.


  • Templates offer a polished, cohesive design right out of the box, ensuring your site looks fabulous from day one.
  • With templates, you skip the lengthy and often costly process of designing from scratch. 
  • Templates are designed with user experience in mind. They guide you through setting up your website in an intuitive way, making the process as smooth as applying a favorite beauty product.
  • You can use templates without any coding experience!

2.2. Why BOWWE templates are ideal for beauty salons? 

Set of website templates for beauty industry by BOWWE


💄Tailored for beauty businesses

BOWWE understands the beauty industry inside and out. Its templates are crafted specifically for beauty salons, capturing the essence of the industry's elegance, style, and trends.

💄Easy-peasy to customize

While BOWWE templates offer a ready-made structure, they're also fully customizable. It means you can tweak them to fit your unique brand identity – like adding your signature color palette or font style.

💄Must-have features beauty salon website

These templates come loaded with features essential for a beauty salon, such as stunning galleries to showcase your work, easy-to-navigate service menus, and integrated booking contact form. 

💄Responsive and versatile

BOWWE’s templates are responsive, meaning they’ll look great and function seamlessly on any device. Whether your clients are booking an appointment from a phone or browsing your services on a laptop, the experience is consistently smooth.

Ready to create your dream Website?
Say goodbye to the hassles of coding and hello to a stunning, professional Website with top-notch SEO today!


In BOWWE's templates you can pick a template that not only matches your salon’s vibe but also turns heads and draws clients in, just like your stunning salon does! 

Step 6: Take care of SEO 

Beauty salon website with seo setting from BOWWE Builder
  • Match to intent: Start with keywords that your potential clients are typing into their search bars. For instance, if you're in London, keywords like “beauty salon London,” “wedding makeup” or “London nail art” can be your golden tickets. Use tools like Ahrefs, Google Trends and so on to find these gems.


  • Tailor to local search: If your salon is the go-to beauty spot in your neighborhood, local SEO can be your best friend. Make sure your website content includes local keywords. For example, if your salon is in Shoreditch, phrases like “Shoreditch beauty salon” or “top hair stylists in Shoreditch” will help locals find you easily.


  • Captivate through content: Keep your website fresh and fabulous with engaging, relevant content. Share the latest beauty trends, or write a blog post about why your salon offers the best bridal makeup in the city. 


  • Optimize for the on-the-go searches: With most beauty queries coming from mobile devices, ensure your website is optimized for mobile. It should be as smooth and stylish on a smartphone as it is on a desktop.


  • Speed up: A website that loads slowly is like a bad hair day; nobody wants that. Optimize your website’s speed to keep potential clients and search engines happy.


  • Don’t forget about meta descriptions and alt tags: Use these to describe your content, just like you’d describe a signature treatment or product at your salon. For images, use alt tags like “bridal makeup artist in London” to boost your visibility.
⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

When picking out the perfect website builder for your beauty salon's online home, think of SEO as the essential makeup kit for your website. It's all about making sure your site not only looks stunning but also gets noticed in the crowded online beauty world. Now, the question is: does your chosen website builder make SEO as effortless and intuitive as applying your favorite lipstick? Try out BOWWE!


With BOWWE, you're not just getting a tool to build a website; you're getting an SEO powerhouse. This platform offers two SEO modules: one basic for those just dipping their toes into the SEO pool, and a more advanced one for those ready to dive deeper. It's like having both a beginner and a pro makeup kit for your website.


With BOWWE's SEO features, you can easily handle crucial SEO tasks. Think of creating meta titles and descriptions as picking the right words to introduce your salon's story. Setting canonical links and adding other industry-specific tags becomes as straightforward as selecting the perfect accessories to complement a look.

Step 7: Launch your website 🤩

1. Check responsiveness

Mobile phone with website template of nail salon by BOWWE

Make sure your site looks stunning on every device, because 57% of people won’t recommend a business with low performing mobile design.


Your website needs to be as responsive as your salon staff – adapting and looking fabulous whether on a desktop, a tablet, or a smartphone. Just as you would try out a new hairstyle on different hair types, test your website across various devices. This ensures it loads correctly, images display beautifully, and navigation is a breeze, providing an optimal experience for every user, regardless of their device.


If you are using a website builder to create a salon website then make sure to choose one that will allow you to make a fully responsive website without much hassle. If you are using BOWWE then you don’t have to worry about it! Every project created in BOWWE Builder is responsive, which you can quickly check by switching between desktop, phone and tablet views.

2. Get indexed

Getting indexed means making sure search engines like Google know your site exists, so people can find you when they search.


Google Search Console is a tool that helps you submit your site to Google for indexing. Set up the account, find the menu position with the sitemap, put a link to your sitemap (this is usually something like in a dedicated place and send your sitemap to indexation! 

3. Share It across the web (and world)

Your website is ready, and it’s time to show it off! Spread the word as you would for a special salon event.


  • Add your website link to all your social media profiles. 
  • Include your website on your new business cards.
  • Invite clients to visit your new website, leave a testimonial, or book their next appointment online. It's a fantastic way to integrate your online and offline presence.

4. Keep it updated 

Lastly, remember that your website is like your salon – it needs regular care to stay fresh and appealing.


  • Keep adding new content to your website. Whether it’s a blog post, new portfolio images, or seasonal promotions, keep it lively and engaging.
  • Keep an eye on the latest digital trends. Is there a new feature or design style that could elevate your website? Staying current is as crucial online as it is in the beauty industry.

How to create beauty website - summary 

laptop standing on desk with elegant website template for beauty salons on screen

As we wrap up, remember that a well-designed website is crucial for your beauty salon's success in the digital age. It's your salon's online home, inviting clients into your world and showcasing what makes you unique. 


As a token of our commitment to helping your beauty salon succeed, we're thrilled to offer you an exclusive promo code! Use code "BEAUTY" at checkout to unlock a special discount on your website creation with BOWWE

Click to copy code 👇


So, take this step to create an online presence that mirrors the beauty and professionalism of your salon!

Article by
Karol Andruszków

Karol is a serial entrepreneur, e-commerce speaker for the World Bank, and founder of 3 startups, as part of which he has advised several hundred companies. He was also responsible for projects of the largest financial institutions in Europe, with the smallest project being worth over €50 million.


He has two master's degrees, one in Computer Science and the other in Marketing Management, obtained during his studies in Poland and Portugal. He gained experience in Silicon Valley and while running companies in many countries, including Poland, Portugal, the United States, and Great Britain. For over ten years, he has been helping startups, financial institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their functioning through digitization.

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