How to Write Brilliant LinkedIn Summary? 15 Genius Examples!

How to Write Brilliant LinkedIn Summary? 15 Genius Examples!

Karol Andruszków
Reading time: 15 minutes
Photo representing the subject of the blog

LinkedIn is a perfect place to develop your career goals. Regardless of whether you are a freelance worker, working full-time, or have your own business, being on LinkedIn will allow you to make new, valuable contacts and expand your online presence. 


But how do you get noticed by the right people and find new development opportunities? It's best to start by effectively completing the sections Bio and About. In this article, I'll show you how to do it best while standing out from the crowd.

What is LinkedIn, and how is it different from other platforms?

To properly prepare your communication on LinkedIn, you have to realize that it is an entirely different portal than Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Solutions that work there are rarely appropriate here. LinkedIn is a portal that is much less used for conversations with friends and much more for broadly understood business communication and building a professional image. It is a portal of experts, so your content must be professional.

What does a presence on LinkedIn give you?

a) Job offers  

You gain access to many job offers from your home country and abroad based on your experience and skills.

b) Documenting your work experience

You add information to your profile on LinkedIn, such as completed schools and universities, workplaces, and positions held. 


Thanks to such transparency, potential employers and clients can verify that you are the person they need. Providing this type of information will also allow you to build an image of an expert in the niches you are interested in.

c) Making new contacts and collaborating

LinkedIn is a platform that connects people with similar professional experiences and interests. It gives endless opportunities for establishing fruitful contacts and cooperation, even between people from two ends of the world.  

d) Knowledge directly from experts

As previously mentioned, LinkedIn is a platform on which professional content is posted. Additionally, they come from real experts whose experience can be quickly verified. Thanks to this, this medium is a real mine of expert knowledge.

What does Bio mean and About section?

Bio meaning

It is an abbreviation of the word "biography" or "biography". The term is commonly used in the context of social media. It describes the part on the profile where we publish biographical information as the essential information about our company.

Why Bio is important? 

The function of the Bio is similar to that of the headline. It aims to encourage recipients to stay on our profile longer and indicate what content can be expected. For example, if we see someone in Bio that stated "graphic designer", we will have specific expectations towards their profile and posted content.

Things to put in your Bio:

a) education

b) profession

c) place of employment

d) location of

e) interest

f) information about products and services

g) quotes

About - definition

Is a common section in social media, where information about a given profile is placed. In the case of a private person's profile, there may be topics such as a description of initiatives undertaken in connection with working life or a description of interests. In turn, the companies in this section may contain information about the brand's history or a description of the services or products offered.

What's the difference between the About section and Bio?

Bio allows you to post short and most important information about a given profile. However, they are rudimentary and are only for a quick presentation. Only in the About section, we can find more details for which in Bio - was not enough space. In this part, we can write about everything important and valuable for our recipients.

Why is the About section important?

The section About is a place that allows us to supplement or expand the information contained in the Bio. When in Bio is limited, in the About section, you can add longer content.

What can be included in About?

a) professional experience

b) company history, brands

c) information about products or services

d) interests

e) loose facts about yourself

How to write a Bio on LinkedIn?

Below is a list of tips you should follow on LinkedIn to write a great Bio and consistently build your online presence. 

1. Limit emoticons 

The Semrush profile on LinkedIn

The Semrush profile on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a different type of social networking site than Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. Unlike the mentioned, LinkedIn users don't use this platform to connect with friends, find beautiful photos, or find fun content. LinkedIn is a portal where you build your professional image, look for a new job and get in touch with professionals from various industries.


These differences result in a different way of communicating. What works on other portals may be perceived as infantile on LinkedIn. That is why emoticons that work well on Instagram - on LinkedIn may be perceived as unprofessional. Use emoticons with caution and take care of the professional, business nature of your Bio.

2. Use hashtags

Bill Gates' profile on LinkedIn

Bill Gates' profile on LinkedIn

Sometimes a hashtag says more than a thousand words. And additionally, it saves a lot of space, which, as you know, there is not much in Bio.  Therefore, instead of creating extensive descriptions of what you do or what issues you raise, use hashtags. It is an understandable and straightforward way of communication.  

3. Add the slogan

Zoom Profile on LinkedIn

Zoom Profile on LinkedIn

Many brands (the more world-famous) choose to include the slogan in Bio. Thanks to this, it is easy to maintain consistency on each platform and get recipients to identify a specific brand slogan. It's also a short but blunt way to introduce who you are and show off your mission.

4. Define your audience

Forbes profile on LinkedIn

Forbes profile on LinkedIn

In Bio, you can directly write to whom the profile is directed to attract the audience you really care about. If you successfully define your audience and communicate in a way that suits them, you will only gain! However, if you try to appeal to everyone, you won't get the right results. 

5. Show how you work

Celsius profile on LinkedIn

Celsius profile on LinkedIn

Tell the audience what your business is based on. On membership? On the exchange of information? It is also your chance to show what makes you stand out and what benefits you offer your recipient. Be sure to show them what they will gain if they stay with you longer.

6. Use words related to the brand 

StreamYard profile on LinkedIn

StreamYard profile on LinkedIn

Use words related to your brand - that is, words that will clearly indicate you or your project. Remember how you search for products or services of specific brands or people yourself. Google robots, Nike shoes, marketing agency Warsaw ... Teach your audience to think about you in particular contexts.

7. Use keywords

Unilever profile on LinkedIn

Unilever profile on LinkedIn

Use words that are synonymous with you or your project. This way, you will get people used to associating important terms with you. 


For example, if you have a courier company, ask yourself how you want people to express themselves about your service. Let's assume that you bet on words such as: fast, reliable, or timely. Now it is enough to use them in your message consistently.

8. Provide contact and location information

InPost profile on LinkedIn

InPost profile on LinkedIn

Always make sure you are easy to find. Put details about your location and contact with you in a visible and easy-to-find place. 


There is a separate tab on LinkedIn for Contact Information, but it will be helpful to include it in Bio. Not everyone will want to go to the following sections on your profile. 

9. Show your character

Kaleena Stroud's LinkedIn profile

Kaleena Stroud's LinkedIn profile

Don't be entirely fooled by the "professional" aura on LinkedIn. This "professionalism" is not meant to limit your identity. If a specific way of communication distinguishes you, stick to it. You cannot afford a lack of image coherence. Make it clear what makes you are different from the rest of LinkedIn profiles. 

10. Show off what you do

Katie Clancy's LinkedIn profile

Katie Clancy's LinkedIn profile

Show off what you do. You can mention the name of the profession or industry of your project. However, you can go to a more creative side. Add something that will intrigue people and make them want to know more about you.

11. Get your audience to act

Starbucks profile on LinkedIn

Starbucks profile on LinkedIn

Don't forget your call to action. It should be short but unambiguous. Encourage your audience to visit your website, see your profile or contact you. 

 12.  Keep it simple

Fiverr profile on LinkedIn

Fiverr profile on LinkedIn

It is essential to keep a good balance. It is worth creating a description in which the professionalism is noticeable but will not be limited only to the use of professional terms. Many people mistakenly build their professionalism by how many complex and industry-specific words are used.


A professional description should also be understood as a description that is understandable and legible to the majority. Admittedly, it is sometimes impossible to escape from certain, more professional expressions. Nevertheless, you must never forget about the transparency of your message 

13. Don't overdo

Zalando's profile on LinkedIn

Zalando's profile on LinkedIn

Although LinkedIn is a place where longer texts such as professional articles or industry analyzes are most in-demand, Bio is not a place to post extensive content. Include only the most essential and necessary information for your audience. Remember that the headline in Bio must not exceed 220 characters!

14. Don't be too modest and show off!

Alex Cattoni's LinkedIn profile

Alex Cattoni's LinkedIn Profile

While bragging is sometimes negatively perceived by people, Bio is a place where it is advisable to talk about your successes and accolades. Therefore, in Bio, don’t be afraid to present:


a) Received awards

b) Your biggest clients/contractors  

c) The effects of your actions


If, however, you don’t have spectacular numbers or don’t take part in competitions - don’t worry! Just present what you have the best to offer. If you have been operating for many years - say so. If you specialize in rare activities - don't be afraid to show it off. Try to present the value that recipients receive thanks to you in the most attractive way.

15. Tell the audience what you care about!

Nestle's profile on Linkedin

Nestle's profile on LinkedIn

Nowadays, consumers look favorably at brands, people who try to carry out a particular mission for the benefit of others. These can be, for example, ecological activities or activities supporting the solution of local problems.


Therefore, in addition to your successes, you can also tell about your values, goals, and ideals. Show that your business is much more than just a way to earn money. Tell about the fact that you promote, for example, a healthy lifestyle, conscious shopping, or support the development of technology in the region. 


Contemporary recipients attach themselves to such values ​​as environmental protection, healthy lifestyle, etc. By talking about such values ​​and showing that they are important also for you, you make the client, choosing from your competitors, easier to identify with you. So, in, Bio tell people what goals are in front of you, what you are striving for and what adversities you are struggling with.

16. Take advantage of the possibilities of LinkedIn

 Bio section on LinkedIn 

There are many ways to fill your Bio successfully, and the platform itself offers even more options that were not mentioned in this list. However, whether they are needed and worth refilling depends on individual needs.


For IT companies selling their products, perfect Bio will look different from a person who is fresh out of college and looking for a job. Therefore, you should never forget to include in Bio only the information that is actually necessary for our recipients.


Here is a list of all available sections in Bio:


a) Name and surname

b) Extra name Name

c) Pronunciation (available from the application level)

d) Headline

e) Name of profession and position in work

f) Industry

g) Education

h) Location

i) Contact information (possibility of adding an active link)

⚡BOWWE Growth Hack:

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to make your BIO stand out on LinkedIn and other social media. Below I will present you one more - unique!


You probably have more profiles on social media, whether personal or corporate, than just on LinkedIn. So you've undoubtedly encountered the problem when you can't link them all in your BIO on Instagram, for example. Fortunately, a very simple solution for this is Micro Page (or link aggregators)


Aggregators are handy tools for everyone, especially if we operate in multiple Social Media channels. A Micro Page from BOWWE connects them all and gives access to every medium from one place. You can read more about how it works here!

How complete Summary on LinkedIn?

Below is a list of reliable tips for completing the section Summary (or About) effectively. Thanks to them, you will effectively convince each recipient that you have a lot to offer!

1. Introduce yourself

Surfer Profile on LinkedIn

This is a mandatory part of each About section. Remember that not everyone will always know who you are and what you do. Therefore, you must make sure you introduce yourself in a short but exciting way.

2. Show your authenticity

Cloud Paper profile on LinkedIn

Everyone knows that the main purpose of being on LinkedIn is promotion. Therefore, you must show that you genuinely believe in what you are doing. You can share with the recipients the current effects of your activities or plans for further development. It is also worth considering some action for social or economic activities. 

3. Share your work experience

Neil Patel's LinkedIn profile

Show where you started and how you got to where you are today. You will gain trust in your recipients. They will be able to verify your experience at any time and make sure that you are familiar with what you write about.

4. Use numbers and dates

McDonald's profile on LinkedIn

Include in the description numbers that are important to you, and above all, to your audience. For example, if you are involved in trading, share how many products you have sold and how many satisfied customers you have.


You can also put numbers in the form of dates. Try to do this when describing your career path or by listing important events for your projects.

5. Show why someone should choose you

LinkedIn Verse Profile

LinkedIn is full of experts in a wide variety of fields, so you need to give your audience something to convince them that you are their best choice. 


You can tell them about your unique abilities and point out specific examples of how they were helpful. You can also show projects that you are proud of and which have brought you the greatest success. Remember that you have to stand out while being credible.

6. Use keywords

Figma profile on LinkedIn

Use keywords that are related to you and your industry. Ideally, you should consistently use the same set of words for each medium. Thanks to this, people will start associating specific phrases with you or your project. In addition, it will help you position yourself on searches that are important to you. 

7. Remember about Call-To-Action

LinkedIn Glossier Profile

Convince others to take a specific action. This could be seeing your LinkedIn profile or contacting you. Most importantly, you tell your audience what to do after reading your description. Don't be under the illusion that anyone who reads it will automatically give you a "follow".

8. Show what you can

Marlena Stremler's profile on LinkedIn

Show off your skills. Don't be vague. For example, if you are familiar with a particular tool, list exactly what you can do with it. It's best to indicate how the skills were helpful to you and how you used them. You can write about it or link to a specific project.

9. Share an excerpt from your life

Aline Panduru's LinkedIn profile

Show that you trust your audience and you are open to them. Share a story or fact from your life. It is not about revealing your secrets to others but about showing yourself from a friendly, more human side.


You can tell how you chose a given profession or how you created one of the projects. Was it a dream? Or maybe an ordinary coincidence? People value such stories more than dry facts.

10. Add links

The Coca-Cola Company profile on LinkedIn

When creating a description, you cannot omit the links to your website, portfolio, or profile on another platform. You have to take the chance to gain new audiences. 


If you run an online store, your most important goal will be to sell products through your website. Your LinkedIn profile is only one way to increase conversion. Having a lot of LinkedIn followers is great, but it won't get you much if they don't follow you where you need them most.

11. Limit professional vocabulary

Profile Sketch on LinkedIn

As in the case of Bio, the description itself should also limit professional vocabulary. Only use them if there is no other option. Sure, LinkedIn is full of experts in all fields who will understand them. But remember that there are just as many people looking for a specific professional because they do not know the subject themselves. Therefore, in a way that is understandable to everyone, you must show that the niche you have chosen has no secrets from you.

12. Apply the storytelling

Many Mornings Profile on LinkedIn

As previously mentioned, people don't like dry facts. Therefore, the best descriptions will either interest them or which they will be able to identify with. Are you running a business? For sure a lot of things worth sharing with others happened while setting up or already running it. Don't just mention the following issues in your description. Talk about them.

13. Grab your audience's attention from the very first line

Flying Tiger profile on LinkedIn

How often do you think people consult your descriptions? Not to mention reading them in full… Exactly. Rarely. Therefore, you need to take care to grab the recipient's attention from the very first line and convince him that he should read the rest of the content.


You can start with some intriguing and surprising story or give some effective result of your actions. However, the bottom line is that it has to be something that will immediately attract your audience and encourage them to stay longer on your profile.

14. Arrange the text

Paulina Kacprzak's profile on LinkedIn

In the section Summary, you can discuss many threads in various forms. So make sure everything is readable and that you know precisely when one topic ends and another begins. You can use bullets or allow more space between paragraphs.

15. Give evidence

Nick Kozmin's profile on LinkedIn

Today, hardly anyone takes their word for it, especially in professional matters. If you list your skills one by one or your countless great projects, it's worth supporting it with some evidence. Again, in this case, links to portfolios or specific projects are beneficial.

16. Show your character

Tumblr profile on LinkedIn

Show your character in the description. This will work better than copying the same formulas over and over again that half of the platform's users have. If you have a good sense of humor or prefer a more original introduction, don't be afraid to use it! Maybe this is why the recipient will choose you from many other experts on LinkedIn.

17. Keep balance 

About section on LinkedIn

What is the character limit for LinkedIn Summary? It is 2,600 characters. So it is a sufficient amount to include such issues as, for example, profession, education, skills, or interests. 


However, remember that this amount of free space does not necessarily mean creating content that uses every available character. This section can be as short as a few sentences to a few paragraphs. The most important thing is to be moderate and include details that really should be known to your recipients.


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LinkedIn offers tremendous development opportunities. However, not everything happens immediately. To take full advantage of this platform, it is first necessary to ensure that our profile presents us at the best possible side and has all the information essential to our recipients. In this way, you will strengthen your online presence and establish a lot of valuable contacts.

Article by
Karol Andruszków

Karol is a serial entrepreneur, e-commerce speaker for the World Bank, and founder of 3 startups, as part of which he has advised several hundred companies. He was also responsible for projects of the largest financial institutions in Europe, with the smallest project being worth over €50 million.


He has two master's degrees, one in Computer Science and the other in Marketing Management, obtained during his studies in Poland and Portugal. He gained experience in Silicon Valley and while running companies in many countries, including Poland, Portugal, the United States, and Great Britain. For over ten years, he has been helping startups, financial institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their functioning through digitization.

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