The Insider’s Guide to Making Money Creating Websites

The Insider’s Guide to Making Money Creating Websites

Karol Andruszków
Czas czytania: 17 minut
Photo representing the subject of the blog

Today is a necessity for businesses to exist online, the demand for well-designed, functional websites is skyrocketing. This is where you can gain. 


The beauty of making websites lies in its flexibility. Whether you're looking for a low-cost business opportunity, or you're a tech-savvy professional seeking a profitable side hustle, website creation can be your gateway to financial independence. It's an arena where your creativity meets commercial value, allowing you to transform ideas into tangible assets that businesses are willing to pay for.


Freelancers in web design and development often report earnings ranging from modest part-time incomes to substantial six-figure sums annually. It's not just about the money, though. This field offers the freedom to choose projects that resonate with you, work from anywhere in the world, and continuously learn and grow with the evolving digital landscape.


If you want to joint to this well paid business dive deeper into this guide to learn how to start and success 🏆

Is creating websites for money really lucrative? 

Embarking on a career in website building is not just about earning an income; it's about stepping into a world where creativity, technology, and business acumen merge to create extraordinary opportunities. The field of website building is not only financially rewarding but also offers various other benefits, making it a sought-after career path for many.

1. Financial freedom and flexibility

The financial benefits of website building are significant and varied. With an ever-growing demand for online presence, businesses of all sizes are constantly seeking skilled website creators. This demand presents a lucrative opportunity, where you can earn a substantial income per project, often ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. These figures vary based on factors like the complexity of the project, the client's budget, and your expertise.


For individuals in countries with limited local job opportunities, website building opens doors to a global market. This not only increases earning potential but also offers a sense of financial stability and independence. IT professionals or those with a knack for technology can turn website building into a profitable side hustle, adding a significant income stream to their regular earnings.

2. Ideal for side hustle and diverse earning streams

Beyond its potential as a full-time career, website building stands out as an excellent opportunity for a side hustle. For those already employed, especially IT professionals, it offers a flexible and profitable way to supplement income. The flexibility of the work allows it to be easily integrated into an existing work schedule, making it a practical option for earning additional income without compromising one’s primary job.


Moreover, the ways to make money in this field are numerous and varied. You can:


  • Design and sell new websites for various clients.
  • Revamp existing websites, keeping them fresh and up-to-date.
  • Offer ongoing maintenance services to ensure websites run smoothly.
  • Expand your offerings to include SEO optimization and digital marketing strategies. 
  • Use your expertise to consult for businesses looking to improve their online presence.

3. Minimal Investment, maximum learning

An appealing aspect of starting website building for money is the minimal investment required. All you need is a computer, a bit of IT knowledge, and your time. This low barrier to entry makes it an accessible venture for almost anyone interested in exploring this field.


The beauty of this minimal investment is that even if you discover that website building isn't the right fit for you, you haven’t incurred significant losses. You're not pouring large amounts of money into expensive courses or tools; most of what you need to get started is available online, often for free or at a minimal cost. This aspect makes website building a low-risk, high-reward venture.


Moreover, the journey itself, regardless of the outcome, is filled with valuable experiences. You gain practical skills in web design, learn about digital marketing, SEO, and client communication - all transferable skills that are beneficial in various tech and business fields. In the process, you might even uncover a passion for a specific aspect of digital creation, be it design, coding, or digital marketing.

Getting started without big investment

Piggy bank with a padlock

Embarking on a website building venture is incredibly enticing, mainly because it doesn't require a hefty initial investment. This aspect makes it an accessible and appealing career path for a wide range of people, from aspiring entrepreneurs in countries with limited job opportunities to IT professionals looking for a rewarding side hustle.

1. No upfront costs 

The beauty of modern web design lies in the availability of no-code website builders. These platforms are a game changer, especially for beginners. What's more remarkable is that many of these builders offer free versions or trial periods, allowing you to start without spending a dime. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals from economically diverse backgrounds, enabling them to embark on a new career path without the worry of initial financial outlay.


For those concerned about the costs associated with web design software, website builders like BOWWE alleviate this stress. They provide a comprehensive suite of tools and features at no initial cost, allowing you to create, design, and even publish websites without having to invest in expensive software or tools. In BOWWE you can create a professional website, publish it and then share it with potential clients without any cost. 

2. Easy-peasy creation 

Creating websites for free to make money doesn't necessitate extensive coding knowledge, which can be a barrier for many. No-code platforms like BOWWE empower you to create compelling and functional websites without understanding complex coding languages. This approach lowers the entry barrier significantly, making website building a viable option for a diverse range of individuals, including those without technical backgrounds.


Another of the most significant advantages of no-cost website builders is the access to a variety of free, professionally designed templates. These templates are a boon for beginners, as they provide a solid foundation for creating high-quality websites. You can choose a template that best fits your client's industry and customize it to their specific needs, all without any additional expense.


Customization of these templates doesn't require a budget. With intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, you can add unique content, tweak designs, and adjust layouts, transforming a generic template into a personalized website that caters to your client's brand and vision. This process allows you to deliver professional-grade websites without incurring the costs typically associated with custom web design.

3. Quick learning curve for coding

While no-code platforms like BOWWE have made website creation more accessible than ever, having a basic understanding of coding can still be a valuable asset. The good news? Learning to code is not as daunting as it might seem, especially with the plethora of resources available today.


Numerous online platforms offer coding courses, many of which are free or very affordable. Websites like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Khan Academy provide interactive lessons to get you started with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


You can look for help in a coding community (is known for its supportive nature). Online forums, social media groups, and local meetups can provide guidance, answer questions, and offer tips as you learn. Tutorials on YouTube or blog articles made by experts will also be super helpful! 


Even a foundational knowledge of coding can empower you in the website building process. It gives you greater control over your projects and the confidence to tackle a wider range of client requests.

How to start building websites for money? 

Computer wrapped in a ribbon with the word "Sale"

Step 1: Gather the resources you need

Embarking on your journey to make money creating websites begins with assembling the right resources. First, decide on your approach to website development. Are you planning to code from scratch, or do you prefer a more streamlined process? If you're not well-versed in coding or are aiming for efficiency and speed, a website builder is an excellent tool. Platforms like BOWWE cater to both beginners and seasoned creators, offering a balance between ease of use and professional output.

Ready to create your dream Website?
Say goodbye to the hassles of coding and hello to a stunning, professional Website with top-notch SEO today!


Moreover, it's crucial to recognize when additional knowledge is needed. Investing time in learning how to create websites that meet and exceed client expectations is invaluable. This could mean brushing up on the latest web design trends, understanding the fundamentals of user experience, or even diving into basic coding lessons. The goal is to equip yourself with the skills and tools needed to build websites that not only look good but also function well and satisfy client needs.

Step 2: Build your portfolio to showcase your skills

A critical step in your journey to make a successful website building business is building a compelling portfolio. This becomes even more important when you're new to the field and haven't yet secured any clients. Your portfolio is your visual resume; it speaks volumes about your skills and style, even before you have an extensive client list. Start by creating a few websites that highlight your best work. These projects should reflect your proficiency, creativity, and ability to meet various design needs.


Include essential information about yourself, your approach to design, and the unique value you bring to your clients. This can include your experience with website builders, any relevant coding skills, and your understanding of design principles. A well-crafted portfolio not only displays your technical abilities but also conveys your passion for website creation and your commitment to delivering quality work. In the competitive field of website building, your portfolio can be the key to attracting and securing new clients.

Step 3: Set competitive price

In the early stages of your website building career, it's important to set competitive prices, but be cautious not to undervalue your services. Conduct market research to understand the going rates in your area or niche, which will help you set a realistic baseline for your own pricing. While it might be tempting to offer services for free or at very low prices to attract initial clients, this approach can undervalue your work and set a precedent that's hard to break away from. 


If you have specialized skills or experience, ensure your pricing reflects the quality and expertise you bring. Be transparent with your clients about your pricing, clearly communicating what's included to build trust and establish your credibility in the market.

Step 4: Find your niche

A boy looking at the city through binoculars

To carve out a successful space in the competitive market of making money by creating websites, pinpointing a specific niche can be a game-changer. Identifying an area that is either untapped or has fewer competitors can significantly boost your chances of success. The question then becomes: what kind of niche should you choose in website creation for profitability?


Consider niches that align with your interests and market needs. For instance, specializing in creating websites for wedding events could tap into a market where personalization and unique design are highly valued. Alternatively, focusing on smaller businesses might be your calling, especially if you excel in delivering customized, user-friendly digital solutions for growing enterprises. The key is to find a niche where your skills can solve specific problems or meet particular demands, setting you apart in the world of website building. This strategic focus not only positions you as an expert in a particular area but also makes your services more attractive to a targeted group of potential clients.

Step 5: Connect with potential clients

When you want to build websites for money, connecting with potential clients is a pivotal step. Utilize the power of social media and online platforms to promote your services. Join dedicated Facebook groups where businesses often seek skilled web developers for specific projects. These groups can be a goldmine for finding clients who need customized website solutions.


Additionally, platforms like Fiverr and other freelancing sites are excellent for showcasing your services to a global audience. These sites allow you to connect with potential clients from all over the world, expanding your reach beyond local markets.


Don't underestimate the power of personal networks either. Sometimes, your first few clients could be within your circle of friends and family. Let them know about your website building services. They might need a website for their business or know someone who does. Word-of-mouth referrals within your personal network can often lead to valuable client connections and help build your reputation in the field of website creation.

Step 6: Get to know client needs

To design a website that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally effective, it’s essential to immerse yourself in the client’s world. This means going beyond the basics and really digging into their pain points, specific requirements, and expectations.


Getting to know the client’s industry is equally important. Each industry has its unique set of standards and 'must-have' elements that need to be incorporated into the website. For instance, an e-commerce site will have different requirements compared to a personal blog or a corporate website. 


This deep understanding of client needs and industry specifics is what sets apart a successful website from an average one. It ensures that the websites you create not only look good but also deliver on their intended purpose, leading to higher client satisfaction and, consequently, more business for you in the competitive world of website building.

⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

Before diving into your own research for a new website project, it's essential to gather as much information as possible directly from your client about their specific needs. A practical way to ensure you cover all the necessary aspects is to prepare a website brief in advance. This brief should be a comprehensive list of questions that will give you a clear understanding of the client's requirements before you begin the website creation process.


Having a well-thought-out website brief not only streamlines the development process, making it more efficient and smooth, but it also ensures that you're aligned with your client's vision right from the start. Moreover, in situations where a direct meeting isn't feasible, you have the option to send the website brief to your client for them to fill out.

Step 7: Deliver top-notch website

A computer with a beauty salon website with spotlights shining on it

The cornerstone of a successful business in website creation lies in your ability to deliver top-notch products. 


Ensuring that each website looks professional involves a keen eye for design, a deep understanding of user experience, and meticulous attention to detail. Staying up to date with the latest trends in web design is also crucial. It ensures that the websites you create are not only visually appealing but also align with current digital standards, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.


Additionally, passing SEO tests is a critical part of delivering a comprehensive product. A well-optimized website is more likely to rank higher in search engine results, which is immensely beneficial for your clients' online visibility and success. This includes optimizing website content with relevant keywords, ensuring fast loading speeds, and making the website mobile-friendly.

⚡ BOWWE Growth Hack:

Before you hand over the website to the client, be sure to check it. Test it in SEO tools such as PageSpeed Insights. They will allow you to check the quality of your website in terms of the most important SEO aspects such as page speed, responsiveness, etc.

Step 8: Keep up contact with clients

A vital aspect of building a successful website creation business is not just completing projects but also maintaining ongoing contact with your clients. Regular follow-ups and check-ins are crucial in fostering long-term relationships. 


Rather than cutting off contact once a project is delivered, reach out periodically to see if your clients need any changes to their websites or to simply ensure that everything is functioning smoothly.


PS. You can use template for follow up message below 😉


Subject: Hello [Client’s Name] - Hope you are enjoying your website!"


Hi [Client's Name],


I hope you're doing fantastic! I've been thinking about our recent project, [website/project name], and I'm really curious to know how it's been received. Have you had any exciting feedback? I’d love to hear how the website is performing since its launch. Everything works perfectly? 


By the way, if you're considering any new projects or updates, from a fresh web design to digital enhancements, I'm always here and excited to collaborate again. Also, if you have friends or colleagues in need of similar services and you've enjoyed our work together, I'd be grateful for any referrals. 


I really enjoyed working with you and can’t wait to see where your business goes from here.


Warm regards,


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Link to Your Website or Portfolio]

This continuous engagement not only demonstrates your commitment to client satisfaction but also positions you favorably for future opportunities. By maintaining these relationships, you increase the likelihood of receiving positive reviews, which are invaluable for attracting new clients. Additionally, satisfied clients are more likely to recommend your services to their network. 

Step 9: Expand your offerings

A magnifying glass and a phone with emoticons flying around

To truly excel in the competitive realm of creating websites for money, consider diversifying your services. Offering a range of additional services can significantly enhance your business's appeal and profitability. Beyond just selling new websites, think about providing redesign services for clients who wish to update their existing online presence. Keeping websites current and visually appealing is a continual need for businesses, and offering redesign services positions you to meet this demand.


Additionally, website maintenance is a critical service that many clients require. Regular maintenance ensures websites function smoothly, which is vital for retaining and engaging online visitors. Furthermore, expanding into related services like SEO and social media management can provide a comprehensive digital solution to your clients. 


By offering these additional services, you not only increase the value you provide to your clients but also open up additional streams of revenue for your business. It positions you as a one-stop solution for all website and digital marketing needs, making your services indispensable in the field of website building.

How to make money creating websites - summary

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide on making money by creating websites, it's clear that this field offers immense opportunities for financial gain, creative expression, and personal growth. 


We've explored how you can start this journey with little to no investment, utilizing user-friendly tools like website builders and how you can make sure to deliver top-notch to meet your clients needs. 


Whether you're looking for cost-effective business opportunities, or you are a skilled IT professional in search of a profitable side hustle, building websites for money is something for you!

Article by
Karol Andruszków

Karol is a serial entrepreneur, e-commerce speaker for the World Bank, and founder of 3 startups, as part of which he has advised several hundred companies. He was also responsible for projects of the largest financial institutions in Europe, with the smallest project being worth over €50 million.


He has two master's degrees, one in Computer Science and the other in Marketing Management, obtained during his studies in Poland and Portugal. He gained experience in Silicon Valley and while running companies in many countries, including Poland, Portugal, the United States, and Great Britain. For over ten years, he has been helping startups, financial institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their functioning through digitization.

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