How to Link All Social Media Profiles in One Place to Get Traffic

How to Link All Social Media Profiles in One Place to Get Traffic

Karol Andruszków
Czas czytania: 17 minut
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Micro Page - sposób na efektywną promocję omnichannel!

W micro pagach , nacisk położny jest na atrakcyjny graficznie design oraz jasny, intuicyjny podział i umieszczenie linków na stronie. Dlaczego te dwa czynniki są aż tak istotne? Micro Page stanowi centrum nawigacji dla użytkowników zainteresowanych działalnością danej firmy, freelancera bądź twórcy. Musi więc być atrakcyjna oraz przejrzysta - korzystanie z niej powinno oszczędzać czas użytkowników i sprawiać im wyłącznie przyjemność. Co ważne, narzędzia te działają w oparciu o szablony, dzięki czemu każdy może stworzyć taką stronę sam, bez jakiejkolwiek pomocy programisty (podobnie, jak strony tworzone w BOWWE)! 

In micro pages, the emphasis is on a graphically attractive design and clear, intuitive division and placement of links on the site. Why are these two factors so important? Micro Page is a navigation center for users interested in the activities of a given company, freelancer, or creator. Therefore, it must be attractive and transparent - using it should save users' time and bring them only pleasure. Importantly, these tools work based on templates so that anyone can create such a page on their own, without any help from a developer (similar to BOWWE pages)!

What is a microsite (also known as a micro page or link tree)? 

To break the limitation imposed by social media (e.g. the limit of adding links), you need to create a MicroPage - a simple micro site to which you can easily and quickly connect an unlimited number of links leading to all-important places on the Internet. The best way to promote it is a microsite link in bio. Then the recipients of your content will be able to easily visit all the places of interest to them: social media profiles, blogs, websites, sales accounts on various websites, and much more! 

Microsite examples 

MicroPage doesn’t carry any limitations; therefore, everyone should have one regardless of industry and brand size. Here's how you can present yourself:

1. Microsite photography

Graphic - Microsite photography

Speak to your audience with beautiful photos that will convince them of your talent. Show your best works and invite them to view your online portfolio, the link of which you will put on your link tree. 

2. Microsite video

Graphic - Microsite video

Upload your most interesting videos and channel links to the microsite, where you can find the rest of your documented material. Make sure that the materials are not too long and play well. 

3. Microsite blog

Graphic - Microsite blog

Give your audience quick and easy access to your stories and articles. By placing a link directly to your blog on the micro page, you will save your recipients their time and allow them to enjoy your content more comfortably.

4. Microsite shop

Graphic - Microsite shop

Today, every customer cares about the most convenient shopping. That is why the micro page is the perfect place to direct your audience straight to your online store. This way, they will get there quickly and without any problems, and their purchasing experience will be at the highest level. 

5. Microsite offer

Graphic - Microsite offer

Let your audience know what you have to offer. Attach your offer and special occasions (e.g. discounts) to the microsite. Show how much you have to offer! 

Microsite vs. landing page vs. website

If you still hesitate whether you need a microsite or think that it is useless, if you already have a website or landing page, below you will find a comparison of these projects, where you will see that each of them serves other purposes.

Microsite vs landing page vs website - infographic

How to create a microsite (MicroPage)?

Graphic - How to create a Micro Page

Creating an exciting and inviting MicroPage isn't tricky. You can make it quickly and easily in two ways:

Creating from scratch

Creating a MicroPage is neither difficult nor time-consuming. Therefore, you can quickly build it from start to finish yourself in one of the most convenient wizards on the market - BOWWE. How to start?

1. Create an account in the BOWWE tool and click on the button "Add a new project".

2. Select a project form (MicroPage) and give it a name. 

3. On the template page (top), you press the "Or build from scratch" button. 

4. You are now in the microsite builder; you can start creating. Here you get access to over 570 widgets, sections, and blocks that will allow you to quickly and intuitively create a MicroPage!

Creating with Templates

Using templates to create a micro page is also quick and easy. You can choose from many professional microsite templates and change them however you like in BOWWE. Add your content and links to the template and adapt it to your needs. It won't take long, and the effect will be delightful anyway!   

Ready to create an attractive Micropage?
Create one beautiful place for all your links and easily direct users to the destinations where you need them the most.


Microsite benefits

1) Easy navigation

The power of a microsite lies in its simplicity. It is the smallest and, at the same time, the most convenient tool with which you can direct your audience to the most critical places on the Internet. Therefore, it enables straightforward and intuitive navigation - it can be compared to a signpost, with the help of which your recipients will quickly find places that interest them the most.

2) Speed 

Web users do not read all the content you give them. Most of them just "scan" the text, pick up what interests them most, and then exit the page. 


No one has time to delve into content that is not important to him. Therefore, respect your and your audience's time. Using MicroPage, you can easily give your recipients what they are looking for. All you need to do is use links pointing directly to the important content for you and your business. Remember that the speed with which users find interesting content on the page directly affects conversions.

3) Professional image

MicroPage is a highly professional image tool that perfectly organizes access to your pages, profiles on social platforms, websites, and much more. You will show followers and potential customers your organization and professionalism thanks to it. This is an excellent method of building a solid image and gaining your trust!

4) The most important channels in one place 

Working on many channels simultaneously, it is not always easy to direct users to all of them. In MicroPage, all your channels are in one place, easily accessible to your audience. By placing a link to your portfolio or your offer there, you increase the chance of receiving actual and high conversion. 

5) Promotion in social media without restrictions

Probably more than once, you have come across limitations related to links on some platforms. It could be, for example, a link limit in a bio or a ban on placing promotional links in posts or comments. With MicroPage, you can quickly get around these restrictions. This makes MircoPage a reliable and irreplaceable tool for promotion in social media. 

How can you use a Micro Page? 

When creating a MicroPage, you don't have to limit yourself to just giving a few of the most important links. It is worth enriching them more to gain the attention of the potential recipient and convince them to take action that is important for you. Here's what to put in your link tree:

Social Media

This is one of the main goals of the microsite - the ability to put links to any platform you are on. Thanks to this, you show your recipient where they can find and contact you. Additionally, you save his time and easily redirect him to the medium he needs. 


With an online portfolio, you can showcase your skills and best projects. You also want it to reach as many people as possible. The MicroPage is the perfect place to attract more traffic to your portfolio, so don't hesitate to link to it on your MicroPage.  


Placing a gallery with your designs is a great way to grab the user's attention effectively. All you have to do is present a few projects that best represent your abilities. Remember to be moderate. MicroPage is not a place for large amounts of content.

About me

This is a vital part of any project. Users like to know who or what they are dealing with. For this reason, you should consider including such information on your MicroPage. Try to keep the content short but understandable and present essential information. 


Show your creativity. You can do this by linking to your blog or adding some sample posts to your MicroPage. The blog is an integral part of branding and audience building, so take advantage of every opportunity to promote it. 


If people found your MicroPage through social media, they must have become familiar with your offer, at least to some extent. In such a situation, make sure that they have quick access to the store to shorten and facilitate their shopping path as much as possible. 


Its an extremely important part of the MicroPage. For users, to be able to contact quick and easy can significantly impact their consumer decision. For this reason, you cannot afford a situation when your contact details are difficult to find or out of date. You should also make sure that users are offered several ways of contacting them. 

How can individual industries use MicroPage?

BOWWE MicroPages is dedicated to bloggers, youtubers, freelancers, entrepreneurs and anyone who makes money or wants to make money and promote themselves online. Here's how your industry can benefit from a MicroPage from BOWWE.


Graphic - Micro Page for Blogger/Vloger

If your blog or YouTube channel is one of the most important channels in your business, BOWWE MicroPages will help you drive traffic more efficiently. As a blogger, you may record podcasts or create courses, guides, and training that you want to sell. With the help of our tool, on one landing page, you can place attractive links to all pages where you offer products signed with your personal brand. It will also look a lot better than a massive block of text in a YouTube bio, with poorly visible links pointing to you (or an Instagram bio with only one link). 


If you are also building a community around you, e.g. by running groups on Facebook, placing a link to BOWWE MicroPages in the group's bio (or in the post pinned at the very top) will allow you to limit all other links and improve navigation through your channels. Thus, you will show your organization and professionalism. People will consider you an expert in your field.


Graphic - Micro Page for Influencer

Modern influencers need to be active on multiple social media simultaneously. This is the foundation of their business and helps build a personal brand and community around them. So if you are annoyed that you can only post one link in your BIO on Instagram or TikTok - a link tree from BOWWE is the solution. Thanks to this, you will bind the fans together more closely. Make it easier for them to track your activities and direct traffic to the pages they want, for example, a landing page with your course, a store with your products, or a fundraiser for an important goal. 


Graphic - Micro Page for Artist

Regardless of art, it is not easy for budding artists to reach a wider audience. Platforms (Youtube, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Dribbble, Behance, etc.) are indispensable in this, which allow your works to appear on the Internet. It is equally important to have an online portfolio (which you can also create quickly with the help of BOWWE) designed according to your style.


With the help of BOWWE MicroPages, you will easily direct all visitors to your portals and interested in your art to places that you particularly care about. This can be, for example, a fundraiser for the release of your first album, on sites such as Patreon or Kickstarter. You will also link to articles mentioning you in the media.


Graphic - Micro Page for Freelancer

Thanks to the tool created by BOWWE, you will be able to promote yourself on the Internet effectively. You can put your portfolio, e-mail address, social media profiles, and much more in it. This way, you will show that you are organized, build the trust of your clients, and get more orders. The link aggregator can also be a great guide to your portfolio, showing visitors the most exciting projects!


Graphic - Micro Page for Entrepreneur

As already mentioned, social media is an essential channel for companies to gain customers these days. The key to increasing their earnings is the effective use of the omnichannel strategy. Have you ever visited a restaurant's profile on Instagram or Facebook, and you had to search for its menu in the photo folder? This is just an example of the bad use of web feeds. With BOWWE MicroPages, you will create a page that will quickly redirect your customers to:

a) Your website

b) Facebook

c) Profile Instagram

d) Profile LinkedIn profile

e) Company Blog

f) Online store

g) Pages containing important information (e.g. contact, price list, menu, locations)

BOWWE MicroPages can be used by any industry that wants to promote itself effectively on the Internet! 


With MicroPage, you gain the opportunity to promote yourself on the Internet without restrictions and with a new way to increase conversion. With MicroPage, you will be able to take full advantage of media such as Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn without worrying that their limitations may hinder your contact with recipients.  

Article by
Karol Andruszków

Karol is a serial entrepreneur, e-commerce speaker for the World Bank, and founder of 3 startups, as part of which he has advised several hundred companies. He was also responsible for projects of the largest financial institutions in Europe, with the smallest project being worth over €50 million.


He has two master's degrees, one in Computer Science and the other in Marketing Management, obtained during his studies in Poland and Portugal. He gained experience in Silicon Valley and while running companies in many countries, including Poland, Portugal, the United States, and Great Britain. For over ten years, he has been helping startups, financial institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their functioning through digitization.

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