12 Key Questions to Ask Web Designer Before Hiring [Free PDF]

12 Key Questions to Ask Web Designer Before Hiring [Free PDF]

Karol Andruszków
Czas czytania: 14 minut
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Are you planning to start your own website? Do you want to start selling online? Do you want to build a community or organize a big event? Or maybe you run a blog? Whatever your motivations are, you'll need a professional website. Online visibility is an absolute must nowadays! If you want to approach creating your website in a proper way, you have to make a very important and well-thought-out decision - choosing the contractor for your website. However, how to do it so that you and the contractor of your website can create a satisfying cooperation?

Selection of the contractor of the site. Where to start?

There are plenty of people or agencies that provide web design services. For people looking for such services, this is associated with an overwhelming variety of offers, while for specialists who offer them - with great competition.


So this situation creates some problems for both sides, but I have a simple solution for them, which is a set of questions to ask before commissioning the website.


The web designer, knowing what issues are important to the client, will be able to better match what they offer to them, thus increasing the number of orders and profits. In turn, the client will be able to make a decision easier and faster in choosing the contractor for their website. 


Don’t miss this opportunity and be sure to read the following questions for each stage of creating a website

Top 12 must-have questions to ask a web designer

1. Do you have experience with creating websites for my industry?

You will learn: Does the web designer understand you and your clients?


Has the designer already worked with a company operating in the same industry as you? While this is not the main factor to consider when selecting a website contractor, it is certainly very helpful. If the web designer has already dealt with a company similar to yours, they will have a much better understanding of you, the specifics of the industry you operate in and what you want to achieve. Importantly, it also understands your customers (your target audience) and knows how to keep them on the site for longer.


Of course, the process of creating an effective website is similar for most industries. If you choose an experienced designer or agency with positive opinions, you can rest assured. Even if they haven't implemented a project in your niche yet, they're likely to be very good at it. Remember that there are also contractors specializing in specific industries. It is always worth considering using their services.

2. Will you do an analysis of my industry before making the website?

You will learn: Will your website be built on the basis of reliable data, which will guarantee its higher effectiveness


The same as in the implementation of any other business project, the same when creating a website, you should follow a specific strategy, including:


→ The purpose of the website

→ The specificity of the industry

→ Target group

→ The company's business model

→ Marketing strategies


And many others. However, how do you outline the entire strategy? This cannot be done without a thorough industry analysis. It will indicate what elements the website should consist of and how to act to implement the company's strategy. 


The more advanced the analysis carried out by the website developer, the better end results you can expect. Of course, a diligent analysis takes many hours and has a major impact on the final pricing of the project. In this case, however, don’t look for savings. 

⚡BOWWE Growth Hack:
Each execution of a website template by the BOWWE team is preceded by an in-depth analysis of the industry for which it is intended. In this way, we are sure that it will contain everything necessary for the proper and dynamic development of our clients' businesses.

3. How much will the total cost of the website be?

You will learn: What kind of website can you afford?


Do you know that a website can cost both $100 to as high as $10,000? Really. Why is the price varying so much? 


A website built in a technologically advanced website builder, positioned in accordance with SEO, including e-commerce functions, a contact form, beautiful photos and high-quality copywriting texts will be much more expensive than a business card page containing the address and description of the company. However, with the former, you will also achieve many more business goals than with the latter.

Think about which functionalities of your website are for you:


  • Absolutely necessary
  • Useful, but not crucial
  • Additional - that is, the ones you can safely give up 


Perhaps it is so capacious that you can afford to implement all the planned functionalities. However, you may find that some of them are too expensive (or redundant). Then talk to the agency or web designer and think together about which functions you can give up to lower the total cost of the project.

⚡BOWWE Growth Hack:
If you can't give up any functionality anymore, and the price of the project is still too high for you, talk to the contractor about the terms of cooperation. Follow the principle of reducing the contractor's working time on your website as much as possible. This should reduce the price of the project. You can propose, for example, reducing the available revision turns.

4. How will our cooperation go?

You will learn:  How will you consult on all matters related to the project 


Be sure to decide how you will contact each other, how often and to whom to turn to on specific issues (in the case of working with an agency). Although the first contact with the contractor - whether it is a freelancer or an agency - can be made, for example, via e-mail or chat, it is important that you have a lively conversation when you provide them with guidelines for creating a website. It can be a phone call, a remote conference or a meeting in the office, but it is important that you conduct the conversation. It is always easier, faster, more precise and cheaper. Most importantly, however, you will likely develop a much better relationship and avoid misunderstandings that cost you nerves, time and money. 


Also remember that your contractor's time costs money, whether it's a freelance designer or a marketing agency. The more you require, the more you consult and the more time you spend with yourself, the more likely you will have to pay for everything.


The better you understand the process of creating a website from start to finish, the more accurate selection of a contractor you will make and you will not overpay.

5. What is included in the website implementation?

You will learn: What will you get in the end results 


One of the first things you should do is to determine what specific services go into the realization of the website. Don't expect to get a beautiful and catchy copy if copywriting services aren't clearly stated on the offer you're paying for. 


If you don’t have the option or you simply don’t want to provide materials that should be on the website on your own initiative, be sure to indicate it! Often, agencies that develop websites have specialists in SEO, copywriting or graphic design on their team, whose services you will be able to use. Usually, however, using their help involves an additional cost (unless the offer explicitly states that this service will be provided at a price), which you must be aware of.


So you should make sure what exactly you are paying for. Here are the issues that should be mentioned to make sure that your website will have everything necessary for its proper and effective functioning:


  • SSL certificate 
  • domain 
  • hosting 
  • copy 
  • multimedia materials 
  • additional applications
⚡BOWWE Growth Hack:

You want to deliver content to your website, but you don't want to outsource their realization to others? Use these pages if you are looking for…


6. How long will it take to complete the website?

You will learn: What may be the approximate delivery time for your website 


Before ordering a website, you must be aware that IT projects (and the website is undoubtedly one of them) are so complicated that it is impossible to always determine when exactly the project will be completed. Of course, you can estimate (usually in the number of hours) how long the work on the website will take... but the more complex the project, the greater the number of potential delays.


Industry delays are normal, but it is always worth bringing up this topic when talking to a potential contractor. Usually, those designers / agencies who have a well-structured work process complete projects quickly and don’t allow major delays. However, you should include it in your plans just in case. It is good to have appropriate provisions - protecting you and the contractor in the event of delays - in your contract.

7. Can I see your previous projects? Get to know customer opinions?

You will learn: What projects has the potential contractor done and what do former clients think about the cooperation with them? 


Portfolio is the best and unquestionable proof of agency/freelance skills. The higher the level of the completed projects, the more skill and experience the contractor has. Of course, this translates into the price.


In turn, former clients are a great source of information not only about the final effect of the work, but also about the entire course of cooperation. Of course, when you ask a potential contractor to contact former clients, they will most likely send you contacts to the most satisfied ones. However, a large number of them will be a good proof that you can trust them.

⚡BOWWE Growth Hack:

Is there anything wrong with choosing a web designer with a not very extensive portfolio or no portfolio at all? Not! Especially novice web developers have a high probability of encountering such a situation. However, there is not necessarily something wrong or suspicious about it. Such people, too, can deliver at a very high standard. If you have doubts about it, you can order a small test task or ask for projects made, for example, during studies.

8. How will you create a website? What tools will you use?

You will learn: How the website will be created and to what extent you will be able to manage it 


Web developer can do it using CMS (e.g. WordPress) or by coding your website from scratch. If your contractor uses a CMS, they will be able to use a ready-made template or create their own custom template. If they decide to code your website from scratch, they will have to do so using HTML, CSS or JavaScript. Remember that these solutions mean, for you, greater restrictions in terms of website management and making changes to it, if you cannot code yourself. 

⚡BOWWE Growth Hack:

Without an easy-to-use CMS, you won't be able to make corrections on your own website by yourself! For each of them - even the smallest one, such as changing a phone number - you will have to pay the contractor or developer! Therefore, don’t waste your money mindlessly and choose an easy-to-use CMS.

However, the most advantageous solution for you (as well as your contractor) is to create a website in a website builder, such as BOWWE. Why is it worth it? 


 Ease of use: website builders are intended for people with little or no experience in designing and creating websites. Thanks to this, after receiving the page, you will be able to easily manage it, add your own content and modify it. 


→ Affordable price: thanks to faster website creation, of course, its cost is lower. The same is also true of maintaining it. Generally, website builders are based on a subscription model. Which means that the cost of maintaining your website is predetermined. 


→ Fast and easy: website builders make it quick and easy to create websites without having to spend a lot of time and money. You will get the page faster and web designer will be able to get more jobs done in less time. 

9. Will the website be built in accordance with SEO principles?

You will learn: Will you have to pay for additional SEO services?


Building your website according to SEO guidelines from the very beginning will save you from having to pay for costly SEO in the future and will make positioning much easier. This doesn’t mean that this is the end and you will not have to position it anymore - it should be done constantly - but it will make your SEO work much easier.


Choose a web developer who knows SEO principles and won't make mistakes that will cost you dearly.

Ready to create your dream Website?
Say goodbye to the hassles of coding and hello to a stunning, professional Website with top-notch SEO today!


10. Will the website be responsive?

You will learn: Will your website be displayed correctly on all devices


More than ⅔ (67.1%) of the world's population are mobile phone users. According to the Mobile First principle introduced by Google, sites that don't display correctly on all devices are less likely to rank high. Creating responsive websites is now an absolute requirement and standard in the industry. Give up on contractors who don't offer it.

11. Will you provide training on how to manage my website?

You will learn: If the contractor will teach you how to use the newly created website 


As I mentioned earlier, it is very important that you know how to operate your site yourself and make quick, simple changes to it without having to pay a programmer, designer, or agency to do it. 


Therefore, ask a contractor to prepare training, during which you will master the basics of how the site works. Such an introduction is a small cost that you can gain a lot from it.

12. What will the maintenance of my site look like and how much will it cost in the future?

You will learn: Whether you will be able to manage the site yourself and how much it will cost to maintain it


Very important services that should be included in the price of making a website are maintenance costs, which mainly include bug repairs, system updates and backups. The website requires constant observation, so you need to have access to quick service support that will help you fix unexpected errors at any time. 


Don’t believe when someone assures you that the updates are not needed - they mainly protect you from hacker attacks. You can pay dearly for ignoring this issue, e.g. by losing data, sending spam by your website, and ultimately removing the website from your results by Google and other search engines.


If your website was created, for example, in the website builder, the matter will be simple. Usually, in such cases, you bear the main cost for the purchased plan, the price of which may include, for example, automatic software update or hosting.


On the other hand, if a website was made from scratch using code, then unless you have a lot of knowledge in the field of IT, you will have to take into account seeking (paid) help, e.g. from the web developer of your website.

Choosing the perfect website contractor - summary [+ PDF with questionnaire]

Below you will find a questionnaire with questions that you can download and send to all potential contractors of your future website. The answers to each of these questions should be clear and to the point. However, if you don't know how to understand them, ask your contractor about them or refer back to this article!

Questionnaire To The Website’s Contractor


Choosing a website contractor is a key element of the whole process, because wrong selection will make the whole project difficult, and maybe even prevent its implementation. Therefore, make sure you understand each of the questions highlighted in this article and use them to successfully select the contractor for your website.

Article by
Karol Andruszków

Karol is a serial entrepreneur, e-commerce speaker m.in for the World Bank, and founder of 3 startups, as part of which he has advised several hundred companies. He was also responsible for projects of the largest financial institutions in Europe, with the smallest project being worth over €50 million.


He has two master's degrees, one in Computer Science and the other in Marketing Management, obtained during his studies in Poland and Portugal. He gained experience in Silicon Valley and while running companies in many countries, including Poland, Portugal, the United States, and Great Britain. For over ten years, he has been helping startups, financial institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their functioning through digitization.

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