How to download your online CV?
Discover the power of BOWWE, the ultimate solution for crafting captivating online CVs! With our collection of ready-to-use templates and a lightning-fast website builder, you can effortlessly create stunning resumes that leave a lasting impression.
Join us on this tutorial as we unveil the secrets to downloading your masterpiece and sharing it with the world. Get ready to unlock new career opportunities and make your professional profile shine like never before!
2 ways you can share your CV
Publish your project in BOWWE Builder and share the link across the web!
Save the PDF of a webpage and download the file
How to save your BOWWE CV in PDF format?
Open the project of your CV in BOWWE Builder.

How to change the URL of your website?

Paste the link to your website in the converter and change it to PDF.
When converted, choose where you want to save the file.
Remember about:
The option to remove BOWWE branding at the bottom of the page is available for Proffesional plans - check our Pricing to learn more about it.