How to set up RSS on your blog
What is RSS
RSS is a data format dedicated to notify about changes regarding the content of the affiliated website. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is mostly used for websites that update their content on a regular basis like blog articles. With this simple integration, your readers can be easily notified about the latest updates without needing to check your website.

How to setup RSS on your blog
In order to use RSS, you need to create a blog on your page.
We advise creating a dedicated subpage for your blog hub.
For more information about setting up the blog we recommend checking this tutorial:
Add a blog articles widget. If the widget is empty, that means you need to add new articles to your page.
Go to article widget settings.
Open advanced tab.
Check the RSS box.

This is all you have to do to open the RSS channel and allow your readers to receive updates on your latest posts. When they add your website to their subscribed channels in their RSS tool, they will be immediately notified.
Your system is already set up, but your readers won’t know they have this possibility unless you let them know. To do this we can add an RSS icon on our page. Note that the RSS is already set so we’re adding this icon in a form of information that this blog is supported by RSS, but it’s completely optional.
- Go to widget list.
- Open the blog tab.
- Select the RSS widget.
- Drop it on your page in a visible place, so your readers can easily see it.

Now you know how to set up RSS on your blog.