How to add a heading on your website?
Headings play a key role on nearly all websites. They attract visitors and make it easier to navigate the site. The correct use of headings has a positive effect on the high positioning of your website in the search results. Below we show you how to add a heading step by step in BOWWE!
Don't you know how to create headings that will bring you a lot of traffic to your website? Make sure to check our article, where you will find the the most effective ways to make a catchy heading in ne time!
Benefits of using headings:
More clicks!
Intuitive navigation
Better presentation of your offer
Better positioning
Search engine crawlers carefully "scan" your website and analyze its content in order to be able to display the website to specific user inquiries. Make use of headlines and include keywords in them. Then you will make it easier for indexing robots and your website will be positioned higher.
How to add a heading on your website?
- From the widget side panel, select HEADING.
- Drag-and-drop the heading to wherever you want on your website.
- After dropping the heading, click on Widget Settings.
Depending on the role of the headline on your website, select the appropriate H1-H6 tag for it (you can read more about the headline tags here!) - Click SAVE and PUBLISH.
To make sure all your changes will be saved and published!

Remember about:
- The H1-H6 headings have a strictly defined hierarchy. Use them according to the hierarchy!
- Choosing class H1-H6 of the heading affects its size. You can change it at any time, but remember that higher-end headings should usually be larger. In other words: If your H2 headings are 30px, don't make H3, H4, H5, and H6 headings larger than 30px!